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Planning and conducting a 1:1 conversation as an employee
Planning and conducting a 1:1 conversation as an employee

In this article we show you how to create and conduct a 1:1 conversation as an employee.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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At Learned we want to help you in conducting a good continuous dialogue. We do this in the form of 1:1 conversations. Both you can create conversations with your coach and you can create conversations with other colleagues. This article further discusses how you can create and conduct conversations.

Create the 1:1 conversation

As an employee, you can find 1:1 meetings on the Development page. On this page you can select the 1:1 & team meetings in the submenu. This will take you to an overview page where you can see all 1:1 meetings you are participating in. Using the 'Create meeting' button you can plan a 1:1 meeting with a colleague or your coach.

Note: The overview page only shows future 1:1 conversations. Are you looking for a 1:1 call from the past? Then use the filtering option.

Choose a 1:1 template

The Admins can set up 1:1 conversation templates to support you with sample questions and conversation topics. When you choose the 'template' option, the name, description and questions from the template are automatically loaded. You can adjust this according to your own wishes per conversation.

Select the participants

Then you select the people you want to have the conversation with. This can be your coach, multiple coaches or other team members.

Date, time and repeat pattern

Then you determine the date of the conversation. Do you want to create a recurring 1:1 conversation that repeats for example every week or every month? You can set the following in the dropdown at 'Repeat':

  • Repeat calls weekly until a certain end date.

  • Repeat calls every 'X' weeks until a specified end date.

  • Repeat conversations on custom data that you enter per conversation.

An email invitation is automatically sent for all conversations, which will appear in each type of calendar.

Add talking points

The talking points are the questions that should come up during the conversation. In addition to the topics from the 1:1 conversation template, you can add additional topics as you wish.

You have the following options:

  • General: Here you can write down conversation topics yourself, or choose from the available templates.

  • One tab per participant: For each participant, you can give real-time feedback and load these messages into the conversation. If you have coach rights over other participants you can also import other functionalities as talking points.

Note: All talking points added to the conversation are visible to all participants of the conversation. However, if you are not a coach of a participant in the conversation, you cannot click through on the talking point and you, therefore, have no access to the underlying information/progress.

Tip: When creating the conversation, you can press 'Save as draft' to save the conversation and not yet share it with the other participants. When you are done you can use the 'Publish' button to send the conversation and the email invitation.

Conduct the 1:1 conversation

After you have created the conversation, it will appear on your 1:1 & Team meetings page and in the 'Team' environment. In addition, all parties involved will immediately receive an email for notification. You can get started by clicking on the title of the conversation. Conducting the conversation works in the same way for the coach and for the employee.

Discuss all preset conversation topics (Talking Points)

The various conversation topics are listed below each other. The participants have a text field for each conversation topic to keep a conversation report. In addition, attachments can be uploaded to the conversation report. All participants can also add additional topics before and during the conversation.

In addition to the text fields per conversation topic, there is also space for shared notes and private notes. Of course, the private notes are not visible to anyone and they are not included in the PDF export.

During the conversation, you can click through to the previous and upcoming conversations at the top of the screen. You can click open all conversations to view the conversation topics and notes. In addition, you can determine next steps for the next conversation on the right. You click on a profile picture and assign concrete next steps. You can easily check these off.

All your next steps are also shown on your Next steps page and can also be checked off right from there once you have completed the next step. You can also click directly to this Next steps page from your Home page.

Export the conversation report

Done with the conversation? All participants of the conversation can export the conversation report to PDF.

Adjust conversation settings?

Do you still want to change something after publishing a conversation or a series of conversations? No problem! Keep the following in mind:

  • For a series of conversations, when the name and description are changed, this change will be reflected in all conversations.

  • You can adjust the talking points per conversation for a series of conversations.

  • You can still adjust the date per conversation, or for the entire series of conversations.

  • If you are creator of the 1:1s with a repeating pattern, you have the option to delete not only a single conversation within the repeating pattern, but also the entire series or all future conversations in the series. This will preserve the content of historical conversations within the series.

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