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Learn how to add 'goal evaluation' to a template

In this article we show how you as an Admin can evaluate on goals by means of conversation templates.

Paul Kuijf avatar
Written by Paul Kuijf
Updated over a week ago

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A more advanced application to working with conversation templates is reviewing on goals. It is possible to review on both the business goals and the learning goals of the employee. Here are the most important things to keep in mind.

Setting up the section

You always start by creating a new section in the conversation template. Within this section you can specify various settings that help with a good evaluation of goals. Think of:

  • Name and Description: Make it clear in the name and description that this is an assessment for business/learning goals and provide instruction on how to answer the questions.

  • 90/180/360° Evaluation: Decide who should answer the goal review questions. Do you want the employee to assess himself, to collect feedback from direct colleagues, or to be assessed by a manager? Turn on the buttons for personal/peer/coach review as you wish.

  • Reporting (KPI): When reviewing on goals, only the KPI 'Performance' is available. You are not obliged to use this.

  • Rating scale: If you have chosen the KPI 'Performance', you set a rating scale that you want to use for reviewing the goals. If you do not select a KPI, you can set the rating scale directly when adding the question.

  • Theme: Depending on whether you are working with learning goals or with business goals, choose a matching theme.

Note: It is possible to separate the evaluation of both types of goals in different sections. This way you can give different settings and a matching theme for each type of goal. If you want to include the measurement of both types of goals under the measurement of the same Learned KPI, it is necessary that both questions are part of the same section.

Adding the questions

After setting up the section, you can add the goal review questions from the toolbox.

The functionality for adding a review on goals means that a personalised questionnaire is drawn up for each employee, consisting of the goals relevant for him/her. When creating the conversation round, you choose a goal cycle from which the goals are retrieved. So at the end of the year, you can select the goal cycle of that year, so that you retrieve all the goals of the employees linked to that goal cycle in the conversation form.

Additional option: When you add an evaluation on goals to the template, an additional question is generated where you can give an overall rating on the employee's performance. When an employee has not yet set up goals in Learned, or when you also want to rate an employee on their overall performance, this question is a useful addition to the template. Don't want to add this question to the template? Then turn this question off using the slider button.

When adding the question, you will see a text field in which you can formulate your own question. This question is placed in the review form in front of the actual goal. You will then see the rating scale associated with the set KPI, or the option to add a rating scale to the question yourself. Finally, you have the option to make the comments field for the questions mandatory. If this slider button is activated, employees cannot submit the conversation form until all mandatory fields have been completed.

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