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Your Plan page in Learned

In this article we'll explain your plan page in Learned and what you can do on this page.

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Written by Team Learned
Updated over a week ago

The Plan page in Learned

On your Plan page, you will find all Learned products. This page also shows which products are already active, and which products you are not yet working with. To get to the Plan page, click on your profile picture at the bottom left - Plan.

Upgrade your package

If you are not yet working with all Learned products, you have the option to upgrade your package from the Plan page.

Click on 'Request upgrade'. A pop-up will appear where you can select the products you want to add to your package. You can add any comments or questions you would like to discuss with your contact within Learned. Then send the request and we will contact you as soon as possible.

You also have the option of starting with one of the products for a 14-day trial period. Once the 14 days have expired, the trial period ends automatically and you can only use this product when you upgrade your package.

Change product settings

If you want to change a particular setting in a product, click ⚙️ on the Plan page and see what you want to enable or disable.

Learned's new product structure

Within the Learned platform we have four main products: Job matrix, Performance, Career hub and Survey.

  • Job matrix

    Making expectations with our AI driven job matrix. Avoid unnecessary costs with clear expectations and honest evaluations with Learned's free job matrix.

    More info on Job matrix? Click here.

  • Performance

    From gut feeling to data driven evaluations. Understanding your employees' performance with objective evaluations. The Performance product includes the following modules:

    • Conversations

    • 1:1 & Team meetings

    • Feedback

    • Goals

    More info on Performance? Click here.

  • Career hub

    Learned’s Career module provides transparency and advancement opportunities for your employees.

    More info on Career hub? Click here.

  • Survey

    Real-time insight into employee engagement. Survey software for data driven insights into employee engagement. Uncover blindspots to increase employee engagement with science-based surveys.

    More info on Survey? Click here.

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