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Handling Issues as an Admin

Handling Issues withing the Lockwell Web App

Lockwell Support avatar
Written by Lockwell Support
Updated over 4 months ago

What is an Issue?

An issue is a case that Lockwell determines needs an admin's attention. This includes Team, Password Vault, and Services Issues. Lockwell will alert you with a a recommended course of action to either snooze, set priority, or update or to simply disregard and let Lockwell resolve automatically.

In the "Issues" tab, you'll find a comprehensive view of your team's issues, including completed or open issues that require resolution, and issues that have been automatically updated with a priority status.

When you're reviewing your team's issues, it's essential to identify whether an open issue has been updated with its latest priority.

Password Vault & Service Issues:
Lockwell will generate security tasks for accounts in your password vault if:

  • The account has a weak password.

  • There's a duplicate password detected.

  • The account is missing 2FA for services that mandate it.

  • The account has been identified in a breach.

Missing 2FA:

Jan Nemecek's GitHub account is missing 2FA protection.

This issue is located on the Admin Dashboard where the Team Issues are displayed. Lockwell will provide you with the assigned team member, recommendation, priority status, and issue type.

Missing 2FA Resolution:

Lockwell is working with Jan Nemecek to add 2FA to their account. If they don’t do so by Feb 25, 2024, Lockwell will update this issue to a lower priority.

As an admin, you can view the issue details and choose to set a new priority.

Note that even if an issue has been deprioritized, Lockwell will continue to work with your team.

Password used for Multiple Accounts:

Leslie Bamou's GitHub account is at risk because their password is used in multiple accounts.

Password used for Multiple Accounts Resolution:

Lockwell is working with Leslie to update their password. If they don’t do so by Mar 3, 2024, Lockwell will update this issue to a lower priority.

As an admin, you can choose to set a new priority or snooze this issue.

Weak Password:

Ryan Margono's GitHub account is at risk because their password isn't strong enough.

Weak Password Resolution:

Lockwell is working with Ryan to update their password. If they don’t do so by Feb 25, 2024, Lockwell will deprioritize this issue.

As an admin you can choose to Snooze this issue or Set a new priority.

With Lockwell's issue management system, you can stay on top of security concerns and take appropriate actions to safeguard your team's digital well-being. We're here to support you every step of the way!

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