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Analysis - Loyalty
Analysis - Loyalty

Find out in detail how the loyalty dashboard works and the key information it contains.

Farah Bahoui avatar
Written by Farah Bahoui
Updated over 2 months ago


The loyalty performance dashboard is broken down into a number of sections that allow you to analyse the results over a given period. Here is a detailed explanation of the different elements presented.

Overall statistics


In this section, five key indicators are displayed to give you an overview of performance

  • Total revenue: revenue generated by orders including a code linked to a reward redeemed and/or obtained at the VIP level.

  • Rewards revenue: total revenue from orders including a code linked to a redeemed reward.

  • VIP tier revenue: total revenue from orders including a code linked to a reward obtained at a VIP tier.

  • Participation rate: % of orders including a code out of all orders.


Next, two visual representations allow you to explore the breakdown of sales between rewards and VIP income.

  • Pie chart: shows the proportion of revenue generated by VIP rewards and tiers

  • Bar chart: details the daily breakdown of revenue generated. This gives an overview of daily activity and allows you to identify peaks or specific variations over time.



This section details the performance indicators for the rewards obtained and used by your customers.

  • Rewards earned: total rewards redeemed for points

  • Used online: total rewards used online

  • Used in-store: total rewards used in physical stores

  • Utilization rate: % of rewards used vs. rewards earned

Reward conversion rate

This section gives you access to the reward conversion rate, which measures the effectiveness of your programme.

On the left, the pie chart illustrates the rate of reward use using a clear, visual colour code:

  • Rate > 40% (Green): The programme is attractive and highly visible, with excellent results showing strong user engagement.

  • Rate between 20% and 40% (Yellow): The programme is attractive or visible, but adjustments are needed to optimise its effectiveness.

  • Rate < 20% (Red): The programme lacks appeal and visibility, and requires major improvements to make it more effective.

The graph on the right shows the daily distribution of rewards, providing an overview of activity over a selected period.

Reward profitability

This table shows the performance of the various rewards offered in your loyalty programme and the income they have generated.

For example, let's look at the ‘Free delivery’ reward: This reward generated revenue of €8,410.2 with a take-up rate of 63.58%, while vouchers have take-up rates of up to

87.50%, with a significant impact on revenues.

Paliers VIP


Below, we detail both the breakdown of customers by level and the revenue generated by them.

This data is analysed over a defined period, providing a complete and synthetic view of the situation.

Performance of VIP tiers

To enhance your analysis, the table below shows the performance of the various VIP tiers.

A representative summary of your tiers is provided, including the rewards obtained, used and their utilisation rates, as well as the income they have generated. This will enable you to adapt your rewards and optimise them according to their performance.

Loyalty points


With data on points earned, redeemed and used, you can track customer engagement and assess the overall performance of the programme.

Analysis of key indicators

Utilisation rate: The pie chart represents the proportion of points earned that have been used by customers.

The visual gauge is accompanied by messages tailored to the utilisation rate:

  • Green gauge: "Wow, you're doing great, your utilisation rate is one of the best"

  • Yellow gauge: "Reduce the amount of rewards or communicate more about the programme"

  • Pink gauge: "Few rewards are redeemed, increase the points earned or decrease the amount of rewards"

Breakdown: The graph on the right shows the breakdown of points earned and points spent over a period selected by you.

  • Loyalty points (dark blue): Points earned by users through purchases.

  • Programme points (light blue): Points earned for missions completed

  • Redeemed points (turquoise): Points spent by users.

The loyalty points dashboard is an essential tool for evaluating the performance of your loyalty programme. By monitoring key indicators (points earned, redeemed, usage rate) and using the graphs, you can improve customer engagement and maintain an attractive, high-performance programme.

💡 Our advice:

  1. Monitor trends: Compare weekly or monthly performance to identify significant changes.

  2. Analyse marketing campaigns: Correlate periods of increased points earned or redeemed with ongoing marketing campaigns to assess their impact.

  3. React to unusual developments: A sudden drop in the take-up rate or points redeemed may indicate that rewards are unattractive.

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