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Adding A Location in LTL Select.

How To Add Multiple Locations in LTL Select.

César Correa C. avatar
Written by César Correa C.
Updated over a month ago
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Accounts are added into the system as locations, and there is no set limit to the number of accounts/locations you can include within your LTL Select account.

Here are the steps to follow:

  • Start by logging in to LTL Select and clicking on the Main Menu located in the upper left corner.

  • Select "Locations."

  • Click on the "Add Location" option on the bottom left.

  • Indicate the appropriate selection by checking either "FedEx Shipper" or "FedEx Third Party Account."

  • Enter the required shipping information and press the "Tab" key. Note that all mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

For Shipper Accounts, input or select a "Ready Time*" and a "Close Time*" from the provided Drop Down Menu.

Complete the rest of the Pickup Information and press "Tab." Remember that all essential fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

If the billing address differs from the shipping address, input the billing address information. Again, please ensure that all mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

If the billing address matches the shipping address, check the "Same as Shipping Address" box and then click "Add."

Your location has been successfully added. You can click "Back to Locations" to view it on the Locations page.

Sample Location

If the shipping and or billing information needs to be updated once the Location has been added, click into and type in the appropriate fields and click UPDATE.

Note: The billing information must match precisely with what FedEx has on file in their internal system called ACCOPS. We recommend contacting your FedEx Sales Representative to verify the accuracy of all account information, including the account number, type, name, and address. Even minor discrepancies, such as "Rd." versus "Road" or "Rd" without the period, can lead to error messages.

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