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Orders Integration

General overview on how to navigate to and process shipments using the Orders page.

Pawel M Wencel avatar
Written by Pawel M Wencel
Updated over a week ago

Purpose: The goal is to allow for a simplified process of taking shipments out of an ERP system and having them created for rating and booking for shippers moving a higher volume of shipments using LTL Select.

How To Use The Order Integrations Feature

1. From the Main Menu located at the uppermost left corner, select Orders. A blank orders page will appear.

2. To upload your shipments to LTL Select, first click IMPORT. The “Import Orders by Location” window will appear.

3. Select the appropriate location for the order upload from the “Select Location” dropdown.

4. Click Download Sample CSV and save the file to your local drive. The sample file will be specific to the location and direction chosen - outbound versus inbound.

Using the Sample CSV file is not required. You may use your own CSV file to create and upload shipments. See step 7 on how to map your .csv to order details.

NOTE: To view the reference guide for a list of accepted values for their respective fields please click UPLOAD GUIDE.

4. Complete the file as necessary adding additional rows for each shipment.

NOTE: Currently only one item per handling unit is supported.

5. Once your .csv file is ready for Upload, return to the “Import Orders by Location” window by clicking IMPORT.

6. From the dropdown menu select the appropriate location for the shipments.

7. Select UPLOAD and choose the orders file. The Order Column Mapping window will open. If using your own .csv file, review whether the uploaded CSV columns map to the intended order details.


NOTE: Only .csv files will be accepted upon upload.

Your Orders page should now be populated with the data from the file you uploaded.

To view each order, click the down arrow next to the Order # to expand to view details.

From here you can proceed to book each shipment by clicking BOOK. At each step of the flow, information will be pre-populated based on the entry in the orders .csv file.

If all required information was provided on the .csv file and uploaded without any errors, clicking BOOK will take you straight to the Rates page of Book Shipment.

You are also able to delete any uploaded orders from the Order page by click the Trash icon to the right of BOOK.

User can also perform the following bulk actions on the Orders page by clicking on the checkbox next to the Order number or the top overall checkbox:

  • For Unfulfilled a trashcan icon will be displayed

  • For Closed an Archive icon will be displayed

  • For Archived an Unarchive icon will be displayed

Navigating The Orders Page

  • Search for an order - by order number

  • All: Filters on all orders.

  • Unfullfilled: Filters on all orders that have not been booked.

  • Closed: Filters on all orders that have been booked.

  • Archived: Filters on all orders archived manually by the user.


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