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All CollectionsRe-entryWhen Entering your Property
Who can access zones that have been cleared for re-entry?
Who can access zones that have been cleared for re-entry?
Updated over a week ago

Re-entry is for those who have a direct legal affiliation to the property: owners and residents, including tenants (renters). Property owners and residents/tenants may bring others: insurance agents, family members, friends and faith, spiritual and/or health support persons. Following the two days of supported re-entry, owners and renters may continue to access properties from 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. seven days a week. Local Traffic Only signs will be posted.

Who can I bring with me when I visit my property once my zone is open?

When you visit your property, you may bring anyone you choose. Consider your emotional needs, practical requirements and the well-being of your neighbors and the environment as you make your decision. There are no restrictions on who you can bring. However, you may want to consider the following:

1. Supportive Companions: It can be emotionally challenging to return to your property after a significant event like a fire. Bringing a relative, friend or clergy member can provide emotional support and comfort.

2. Insurance Agent: If you're working through insurance claims or need to assess the damage for insurance purposes, having your insurance agent with you can be beneficial. They can help document the extent of the damage and provide guidance on the claims process.

3. Compassion for Others: While there are no restrictions on the number of people you can bring, it's important to be mindful of your neighbors who may also be dealing with the aftermath of the fire. Keeping the group size reasonable out of compassion for your neighbors can help maintain a respectful and considerate atmosphere.

4. Environmental Consideration: Additionally, for the sake of the land and the environment, it's advisable to limit the number of people you bring to your property. This can help reduce the impact on the area as it begins its recovery process.

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