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Debris Removal

How to sign up and what to expect
60 articles
Regarding debris removal, will the press have free access to watch United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) work?
Download Debris Removal Closeout Package
Can I opt out of having erosion control on my cleared lot?
Can I reuse the erosion control left behind for a new foundation?
If I choose to remove the gravel erosion control placed on my property, what are the disposal requirements?
Can I use my debris removal insurance policy to remove items that were ineligible for removal under the Consolidated Debris Removal Program?
How do I maintain my pool impacted by smoke and ash contamination or fire damage?
My driveway was ineligible for removal under the Consolidated Debris Removal Program. I want to remove my driveway; where can I dispose of the waste material?
Where can I dispose of items ineligible for removal under the Consolidated Debris Removal Program?
View your Cleanup Right of Entry (ROE)
Right-of-Entry Call Center & Process
How long will residents have to sign up?
Will work be done based on signups (first come, first served) or will the contractor work in a grid pattern?
Is the US Army Corps of Engineers performing debris removal for public, commercial and residential properties?
How does debris removal work for survivors who rent?
Home survived. Get support with Fire Debris with the Crisis Cleanup Hotline
Do I have to do anything to have Maui County / USACE clean up my debris?
Is participation in both Phase 1 and 2 of the debris removal process mandatory?
Are there other programs that can help with debris clean-up?
Do people have to take advantage of the Government-sponsed Consolidated Debris Removal Program? If they choose not to, what should they do?
What is the process if a resident submits a right-of-entry and later decides not to participate in the Consolidated Debris Removal Program?
Can survivors select their own contractor through Consolidated Debris Removal Program?
Will any of the contractors used for Consolidated Debris Removal Program be local companies?
Process & Updates for cleanup and removal of fire debris
How can a resident find out when their property is projected to be cleared?
What will be removed and what will be left?
How long will this whole process take?
How will I know that the debris removal process has started and completed?
What debris is eligible for Phase 2 of the Consolidated Debris Removal Program?
How much will Phase 2 cost? And who will be paying?
Who will be removing the debris?
What will happen to my utility hookups?
If retaining walls (not part of the home structure) are removed will the contractor grade that area prior to leaving as a part of “erosion control”?
How is titled property handled?
Does the PPDR program cover below-ground swimming pools? How will concrete swimming pools be addressed?
How do I get a copy of the soil analysis performed on my property?
Cultural Artifacts or Former Burial Sites
What if property owners do not want potential cultural contractors (observers is the proper term) on their property, but still want their property cleaned?
What is being done to ensure cultural resources are protected?
Can I keep the rock walls and other cultural items on my property?
Does the resident sign anything when the work is complete?
Once the property is cleared will there be an expedited process to permit the rebuild?
What is the expected number of properties that will be cleared (mission estimate?)
When is the resident permitted to occupy their property and improve it after the PPDR is done?
What will be done with retaining walls if they are on a property line and one person completed an ROE but the other property owner did not?
Where is the debris going to go?
Long-Term Care & Monitoring
As part of the debris clean up, I elected to keep my foundation. Will this cause any issues when I plan to rebuild?
Who will pay for the debris removal?
If I have homeowner’s insurance, can I still participate in the Consolidated Debris Removal Program?
What portion of my homeowner’s policy will the local government collect for debris removal?
If a property owner has a policy that permits debris removal as part of the total coverage amount but does not have a designated portion for debris removal, when will the county seek reimbursement?
If a property owner participates in the Consolidated Debris Removal Program but does not rebuild or purchase a property/home elsewhere, will the county still collect a portion of the insurance policy for debris removal?
If I participate in the Consolidated Debris Removal Program, what portion of my homeowner’s policy will the local government collect for debris removal?
Can I use my debris removal insurance policy to remove items that are ineligible for removal under the Consolidated Debris Removal program?