MaverickRE Terminology Defined
Everyone may use slightly different terminology when talking about various real estate terms. In this article, we have defined all of the terms that MaverickRE uses throughout the platform. Please reach out to MaverickRE Support if you have any questions!
Yearly Metrics
Year to Date Closed: Total number of closed deals from your transactions software for the current year.
Year to Date Volume: Total dollar amount from your transactions software for the current year.
Year to Date Written: Number of transactions with a close date in the current year that are not canceled and are associated with the role of either Buyer’s Agent or Listing Agent.
Canceled This Year: Number of transactions with a close date in the current year that have been canceled and are associated with the role of either Buyer’s Agent or Listing Agent.
Monthly Metrics
Written This Month: Number and total value of transactions accepted in the current month that have not been canceled.
Canceled This Month: Number of transactions with a close date in the current month that have been canceled and are associated with the role of either Buyer’s Agent or Listing Agent.
Remaining to Close This Month: Number and total value of transactions in pending status with a close date in the current month that have not been canceled.
Bound By Month / Bound Rate: The number of transactions divided by the number of leads assigned within the filtered timeframe.
Forecasting Metrics
Forecasted Closings: Number of closings expected to occur within the selected year.
Forecasted Volume: Sum of the Year to Date Volume and Pending Volume.
Pending Metrics
Current Pending: Number of transactions in pending status with a projected close date in the selected year.
Pending Volume: Total dollar amount of pending transactions.
Transaction Metrics
Transactions: Total number of distinct transactions with statuses of Pending, Closed, or Archived within the selected time frame.
Deals Written: Number of distinct transactions accepted within the selected time frame.
Bound: Total number of transactions, from team sources, assigned to the agent with an acceptance date within the selected time frame.
Volume Metrics
Volume: Total dollar amount for all transactions within the selected time frame.
Pending Volume: Total dollar amount of transactions in pending status.
Avg Volume: Average transaction volume per deal for the selected time frame.
Performance Metrics
Team Conversion: Number of non-canceled transactions with a close date in the current year divided by the number of leads created this year.
Top Closers: Number of transactions with statuses of Closed, Sold, Archived, or Recorded within the selected year, grouped by agent name.
Top Team Closers: Number of transactions from team sources with statuses of Closed, Sold, Archived, or Recorded within the selected year, grouped by agent name.
Top Written Past 90 Days: Number of non-canceled transactions accepted within the last 90 days, grouped by agent name.
Top Contact Attempts 30 Days: Number of calls, emails, and texts sent within the last 30 days, grouped by agent name.
Lead Management Metrics
Leads: Total number of leads from team sources assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
Leads Reassigned: Number of leads reassigned from one agent to another within the selected time frame.
Appointments: Total number of appointments associated with team leads assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
Appointments Held: Total number of appointments with a 'Met' outcome associated with team leads assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
Met Rate: Ratio of appointments held to total appointments.
Funnel Metrics
High Funnel: Total number of team leads in a 'High Funnel' stage assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
Mid Funnel: Total number of team leads in a 'Mid Funnel' stage assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
Low Funnel: Total number of team leads in a 'Low Funnel' stage assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
Rejected: Total number of team leads in a 'Rejected' stage assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
LF Rate: Ratio of Low Funnel leads to total leads.
Conversion Metrics
Pending: Total number of pending transactions from team sources assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
Closed: Total number of transactions with statuses of Sold, Recorded, Closed, or Archived from team sources assigned to the agent during the selected time frame.
If 'Include deals outside of current leads' is selected:
With 'Conversion Includes Pending' selected: (Pending + Closed) / Leads.
Without 'Conversion Includes Pending': Closed / Leads.
If 'Include deals outside of current leads' is not selected:
With 'Conversion Includes Pending' selected: (Pending + Closed) / Leads assigned within the selected time frame.
Without 'Conversion Includes Pending': Closed / Leads assigned within the selected time frame.
Adjusted %: Similar to Conversion but includes the count of reassigned leads in the leads total.