What is the Sales Manager Report?
The Sales Manager Report will be your go-to page for all things performance related. Quickly visualize each agent’s performance, best performing lead source, as well as your agent leaderboard.
Filtering Your Sales Manager Report
Simply select an agent, time frame, source, and buyer/seller preference. Once the queries have run, you’ll instantly see who the best performers are, areas of improvement, and overall down funnel conversion.
Search Agent: Toggle between Agent's name
Timeframe: Toggle between Last 30 Days, Last90 Days, Last 12 Months, and Year To Date
Source: These are pulled from Lead Source in your Transaction Management System. It needs to be a lead source in your TMS in order for it to appear in the drop down. If a deal has been closed with a specific lead source in your TMS, it will automatically update in MaverickRE.
Groups: Toggle between Groups
Buyers/Sellers: Toggle between Buyer clients, Seller clients, or Both
Leads Type: Toggle between Team or Sphere
Conversion Rate: Toggle between Closed Deals Only or Closed + Pending transactions
Once all filters have been set, hit Run Report to populate results.
Sales Manager Snapshot Overview
The snapshot overview provides insight into your team’s appointments set, appointments met, written deals, and closed deals. Once you’ve run the report with desired selections, the graphic will automatically compare the selected time frame along with the year to date totals.
Team Overview
Team overview breaks down each team member's funnel stages and client touch points.
Communication with client’s is key to down funnel success and this report allows you to see just that.
Sales Funnel Tab: An overview of your team's sales funnel. At a glance see how many leads each agent receives and which leads are held/reassigned.
Stage Breakdown Tab: Overall view of where your leads are sitting in the funnel broken down by total # of leads, appointments held/reassigned, unresponsive leads, long/short nurture stages and closed/under contract leads.
Outreach Activity Tab: An overview of your team's communication broken down by leads assigned, call attempts, conversations, text attempts, and email attempts.
Team Overview - Leads
Each team member who's assigned leads will be located within your team overview report.
See each team members down funnel conversion at a glance with the option of selecting their total number of leads to see a breakdown of each lead and the current status.
Agent Leaderboards
The Deals leaderboard ranks individuals based on Closing, Appointment booking, Deals written and Contact attempts. At a glance, you’ll see the leaders of your team from a year to date perspective.