Understanding Your ISA Dashboard
Your ISA Dashboard helps measure each ISA on how they’re Qualifying, Prospecting and Following up on each lead.
To learn how to set your ISA goals in MaverickRE, please visit this article.
Individual ISA Performance Overview
An overall view of each ISAs performance broken down by goals, appointments made, and monthly contracts.
Use the change drop down to select which individual ISA to review
Today's Goal Progress
At a quick glance you can see if you're hitting your goal for the day in Outbound Calls, Outbound Texts & Appointments Held.
Monthly Goal Progress
Each ISA will have their goals shown and will be compared to the Team Avg. & Top Performers for Outbound Calls, Outbound Texts and Appointments Held. Use the drop down to select a specific time frame.
Monthly Contracts
Number of contracts within a month broken down by You, the Team Average and the Top Performer.
Transaction & Lead Stats
Your total number of Deals / Volume broken down by this month, last 12 months, pending compared to the ISA team totals.
Use the toggle to compare Transaction to Leads data
Appointments & Transactions Overview
An overview of all appointments and transactions created by ISA, showing the appointment dates, statuses, CRM stage, outcome, close dates and more!
This section will breakdown the current status type and stage of every appointment set.
Appt Created: The date the appointment was created in your CRM
Appt Time: The date set to meet the client in person
Appt Type: Assigned appt type in FUB
CRM Stage - Assigned stage in FUB
Outcome - Current outcome showing in FUB
Agent on Appointment: The agent assigned to specific appointment
All transactions broken down by ISA. At a glance you'll see what the status of every transaction is and who it belongs to.
ISA: Name of ISA assigned to lead
Status: Closed or Pending
Type: Buyer or Seller
Source: Lead source the client came from
Accept Date: The date the offer was accepted on sale
Close Date: Set closed date for transaction
Scheduled Close Date: The original closed date set at the time the contract was given
Listing/Buyer Agent: Name of agent assigned lead