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ISA Manager Report Overview

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Sabrina Garrett avatar
Written by Sabrina Garrett
Updated over 4 months ago

Understanding Your ISA Manager Report

Instantly view who your top and bottom ISAs for calling, setting appointments and appointment-met rates. See details of their outreach and deals that result from ISA efforts, with conversion rates.

Manager Activities

The ISA Manager Activity report is a summary of individual actions that an ISA team has logged over a set period of time. These include calls made, appointments made, contracts and transactions. Managers have the ability to monitor overall team progress and identify pain points that may be hindering ISAs from meeting their goals.


All inbound/outbound calls made and logged by your ISAs.

Unique Leads Called - A placed or answered call made by ISA

Calls Per Lead - Number of calls made per lead

Connections - Calls that are longer than 60 seconds

Conversations - Calls that lasted longer than 90 seconds

This leaderboard shows in real time who your top ISA dialers are broken down by total calls made. Use the toggle to flip between Calls vs. Conversations

The table below contains each ISA’s activity and performance broken down into:

Leads worked - Number of leads assigned to an ISA

Calls - Number of calls made

Calls Per Lead - Calls made to current assigned leads

Appointments - Number of appts made by ISA

Call Per Appointment Set - Calls made divided by the number of appointments created

Deals - The number of transactions that have an acceptance date or a close date, that are in a Closed status

Calls Per Deal - Calls made to current assigned deals

Call Stats can be filtered by Year and Month


Total number of appointments associated with the agent that were assigned during the selected timeframe where the leads were not reassigned.

Appointments Set - Appointments created by ISA

Appointments Held - Appointments Held divided by Appointments created

Calls Per Appointments Set - Number of calls made divided by the number of appointments

Calls Per Appointments Held - number of calls made divided by the number of appointments created which resulted in a Met outcome

This leaderboard shows in real time who your top ISA appointment maker is broken down by total appointments set and appointments met.

Leads Worked - Number of leads assigned to ISA in FUB

Appointments Set - Appointments created by ISA - by created date

Appointments Scheduled - Appointments created by ISA - by appt start date

Appointments Held - Total number of appointments with a MET outcome

Held Rate - Appts held divided by Appts set


Total number of signed deals by agent.

This leaderboard shows in real time who your top ISA contract maker is broken down by top deals set and bottom deals met.

Accepted Deals - When a buyer/seller have signed a legal contract to purchase the home

Cancelled Deals - There is no longer an active brokerage agreement/listing contract with the seller

Pending Deals - Number of contracts in a pending stage
Deals Closed - Number of contracts in a closed stage

Deals Breakdown

Snapshot view of pending/closed deals for YTD and the last 12 months.

ISA - Name of ISA assigned to lead

Agent - Name of agent assigned on lead

Close Date - The date the deal closes and ownership transfer to the new owner

Acceptance Date - The date the offer was accepted

Full Address - Address of the transaction

Status - Current status of the transaction; Pending or Closed

Volume - Sale price

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