This article aims to guide you through a detailed breakdown of your Sales Manager Report.
Sales Funnel Snapshot
Appts (Appointments) Set
SUM of Appointments created in FUB for leads which are mapped to the selected SOURCE/AGENT/GROUP/LEAD TYPE created within the selected Timeframe.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This pulls based on active leads assigned to agents, if agent leaves the team, and reassigns an old appt set lead to a pond, these leads will not pull into numbers. Use Appt Report to see all appts created regardless of agents assigned.
Appts (Appointments) Scheduled
SUM of Appointments SCHEDULED in FUB for leads which are mapped to the selected SOURCE/AGENT/GROUP/LEAD TYPE within the selected Timeframe
Accepted Deals
Transaction records with acceptance date for leads which are mapped to the selected SOURCE/AGENT/GROUP/LEAD TYPE between selected Timeframe— filtered to only include transactions associated with active agents.
'Cancelled’ status'- Records with acceptance date between beginning of current month and current date, filtered to only include transactions associated with active agents.
Deals Pending & Closed
Pending - Transactions in 'Pending' status with Acceptance Date within timeframe associated with selected SOURCE/AGENT/GROUP/LEAD TYPE
Closed - Transactions in 'Closed' status with Close Date within timeframe associated with selected SOURCE/AGENT/GROUP/LEAD TYPE
Team Overview - Sales Funnel
Total Leads
SUM of 'Re-assigned' and 'Currently Assigned' leads in FUB.
SUM of leads re-assigned from corresponding FUB user to another FUB User - set to include mapped "agents" in your MaverickRE preferences.
Currently Assigned
SUM of leads currently assigned to mapped "agents" in your MaverickRE preferences.
SUM of appointments created within selected timeframe for mapped "agents" in your MaverickRE preferences.
Appointments Held
SUM of appointments 'Held' within selected timeframe for mapped "agents" in your MaverickRE preferences.
Appointments Held %
SUM of appointments 'Held' within selected timeframe for mapped "agents" in your MaverickRE preferences.
Accepted Deals
SUM of transactions within your transaction management system with an acceptance date within the selected timeframe.
Accepted Deals %
SUM of 'Accepted Deals' DIVIDED by 'Total Leads'.
Pending Deals
Records within your transaction management system that are in a 'Pending' Stage/Status.
Closed Deals
Records within your transaction management system that are in a 'Closed' Stage/Status.
Conversion Rate
Calculating 'Pending' + 'Closed' transactions, DIVIDED by the Total Leads
Accepted (Outside of assigned leads)
'Accepted Deals' during the chosen timeframe that are linked to leads that were NOT assigned in that same timeframe.
Team Overview - Stage Breakdown
Leads Currently Assigned
SUM of leads that are assigned within selected timeframe.
Top of Funnel Stages
SUM of leads in 'Top of Funnel' Stages based on mapped stages in Mav.
Leads Unresponsive
SUM of leads mapped to 'Attempted Contact/Unresponsive' stages
Appointments Outstanding
SUM of leads mapped to 'Appointment Outstanding' stages
Long Nurture
SUM of leads in 'Long Nurture' Stages based on mapped stages in Mav.
Short Nurture
SUM of leads in 'Short Nurture' Stages based on mapped stages in Mav.
Active Buyer & Seller
SUM of leads in 'Active Buyer & Seller' Stages based on mapped stages in Mav.
SUM of leads in 'Trash/Rejected' Stages based on mapped stages in Mav.
Closed/Under Contract
SUM of leads in 'Closed +Pending' Stages in TMS.
Team Overview - Outreach Activity
Call Attempts
Total SUM of outbound call attempts logged in FUB.
Total SUM of outbound calls lasting 2 minutes or longer logged in FUB.
Text Attempts
Total SUM of outbound text attempts logged in FUB.
Email Attempts
Total SUM of outbound email attempts logged in FUB.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Email attempts include batch emails
Agent Leaderboards
Top 5 Closers
Number of Closed, Sold, Archived, Recorded transactions in your transaction management system, with a close date in this year, grouped by agent staff/agent name
Top 5 Appointment Bookers
Your top appointment bookers ranked in order, year to date.
Top 5 Written (Accepted Deals)
Number of non-Cancelled transactions, with acceptance date within last 90 days, grouped by agent staff/agent name.
Top 5 Contact Attempts
Number of calls, emails, texts sent within the last 30 days, grouped by agent staff/agent name.