Your Leaderboards will display the last 30-day statistics of Leads generated, as well as the top 5 agents per leaderboard category in the last 7 days, last 30 days, and year-to-date.
To view your leaderboards, select Leaderboard located under the Business Overview Tab.
Leaderboard Type
CRM Based
The CRM Based leaderboard is going to rank your top 5 agents based their contact attempts, calls and conversations over the last 7 days and the last 30 days.
Transaction Based
The Transaction based leaderboard ranks your top 5 team closers over the last 30 days, top 5 agents ranked by team volume over the last 30 days as well as the top 5 agents ranked by deals written year-to-date.
You will also see your top 5 closers, top 5 agents ranked by deal volume and the top 5 agents ranked by deals written year-to date.