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Business Overview Breakdown

A breakdown of the Business Overview report and how your data is pulled and filtered in each section.

Sabrina Garrett avatar
Written by Sabrina Garrett
Updated over 11 months ago

This article aims to guide you through a detailed breakdown of your transactions and their allocation to each section within the Business Overview report. Gain insights into how transactions are categorized and presented for a comprehensive understanding of your business performance.

Business Overview Snapshot

Only pulling transactions from mapped sources within your preferences. Meaning if you have one of your sources set to ignore in your Maverick preferences, it will not be included in the snapshot.

  • Accepted Deals

    • Discover transactions that have been successfully accepted in your Transaction Management System (TMS) platforms like FUB Deals, Brokermint, Sisu, etc. These are deals with an acceptance date falling between the beginning of the current month and today. We show you only those transactions that involve active agents.

    • Cancelled Deals

      • Explore transactions in your TMS platforms, such as FUB Deals, Brokermint, Sisu, etc., that have been marked as 'Cancelled'. These include transactions with an acceptance date between the beginning of the current month and today. Similar to accepted deals, this list is tailored to show transactions associated with active agents.

  • Pending Deals

    • Uncover transactions that are currently in progress. These include records with a closing date between the beginning of the month and today. We focus on transactions associated with agents who are currently active.

      • Monthly Stats

        • Get a snapshot of transactions in progress for the current month. This data includes transactions with a closing date between the beginning of the month and today. We refine this information to include only transactions associated with active agents.

      • Yearly Stats

        • Gain insights into transaction records for the current year. This data covers transactions with a closing date within the current calendar year. This data is specifically curated to include only transactions associated with active agents.

  • Closed Deals

    • Explore transactions with a close date between the beginning of the current month and today. This data is filtered to only include transactions associated with active agents.

  • Total Deals

    • The total sum of 'Pending Deals' and 'Closed Deals', giving you a comprehensive view of all transactions involving active agents.

Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly Breakdown

  • YTD Accepted Deals

    • Explore transactions accepted since the beginning of the year up to the current date. We focus on deals associated with active agents to give you a clear view of your year-to-date success.

  • YTD Closed

    • Discover transactions marked as 'Closed' with close dates between the beginning of the year and today. This data is tailored to include only transactions associated with active agents.

  • YTD Volume

    • Experience the total sum of sale prices from all 'Closed' status transactions. This includes transactions with close dates between the beginning of the year and today, filtered to only include deals associated with active agents.

  • YTD Avg. Sales Price

    • Get insights into the average sale price of transactions marked as 'Closed' with close dates between the beginning of the year and today. This average is calculated specifically for transactions associated with active agents.

YTD Closed will include all transactions, regardless if the source is set to be ignored in your Maverick preferences.

SAME STATS listed above in ‘Yearly, Quarterly and Monthly Breakdown’, separated out into Month and Quarter, compared against the AVERAGE of each monthly/quarterly value.

Year-Over-Year Analysis

The Year-Over-Year Analysis provides a graph view of your accepted deals and all deals by month and by quarter.

Your Top Performers

  • Total Volume $

    • This data includes the sum of prices from transactions marked as 'Closed' within the past 30 or 365 days, sorted by the agent associated with each transaction.

  • Top Deals

    • This data represents the sum of 'Closed' transactions within the past 30 or 365 days, sorted by the agent associated with each transaction.

  • Top Avg Sale $

    • This average is calculated from the prices of 'Closed' transactions within the past 30 or 365 days, sorted by the agent associated with each transaction.

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