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User Groups Overview

Learn how to create groups so you can get insights on a specific team or group of agents when filtering your reports.

Sabrina Garrett avatar
Written by Sabrina Garrett
Updated over 10 months ago


The Agent Group Editor feature is designed to help you classify groups of agents or teams within your brokerage or team. This functionality enables you to conveniently view the performance of each group in the sales manager report, without the need for extensive searching or digging through data.

For instance, if you have multiple teams such as Colorado Agents, California Agents, and Texas Agents, you can easily create groups labeled Colorado, California, and Texas. Subsequently, you can add the agents to their respective groups, allowing for streamlined organization and efficient tracking of each team's performance.

How to Create Agent Groups

To edit or update your Groups, hover over your profile avatar in the top right hand corner of your screen in MaverickRE and select Preferences. Next, select Groups.

To create or edit your agent Groups, you will select Edit Group Options.

If you selected the option to add a new group you will be prompted to type in a New Group Name. Next, select Submit.

Selecting Edit will simply prompt you to update the Group Name.

Selecting Delete will remove it from your group selections.

Adding Agents to Groups

Now that you've set up your Groups, you can begin to add Agents to their corresponding groups. To add an Agent to a specific group or groups, use the drop down selector and select which groups you would like to add (or remove) Agents from.

Once you've made your Agent selection for the selected Group, select Save Assignments. Next, select OK to confirm your selections.

Tip: When you are ready to check out each group’s performance, simply head on over to your Sales Manager Report and it will allow you to filter your data by whichever groups you’ve created.

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