If you accept payment forms other than cash (such as debit, ACH, etc), set them up under the Payment Types tab in Settings.
For each payment type, enter a name, payment method, any associated fees and fee description.
Whatever you put in the fee description will be broken out along with the fee on the order receipt.
Split Payments
It is possible to split payment for an order across two or more payment types. This can be done in either Admin or at point of sale.
If a payment is split across two or more payment methods, only the rounding strategy of the final ("remaining") payment method is applied to the order total.
If there are multiple payment fees, they will each be added to the order total.
The payment types you create will be visible on your online menu and at POS.
Payment fees are applied after all taxes, discounts and adjustments - but the California excise tax is applied to fees.
If you'd like help setting up delivery fees, please look here.
More About Payments
Want to round your orders down or to the nearest dollar? Set up rounding