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20 articles
One of our admins/employees forgot their password
How can I automate and cap discounts?
Can I round my orders down or to the nearest dollar?
How can I customize my receipts?
How do I designate open hours for my online menu?
Want to show your customers a live delivery window?
How do I change my dispensary's name or contact information in the system?
How do I add or edit system admins?
How do I use promo codes and discounts?
How do I manage shifts and drawers?
How can I change and customize my menu?
How do I know when an order comes in or a new customer registers?
How do I accept adult use orders?
How do I enable Online Pickup Orders?
How do I set up taxes?
Notice of Excise Tax change January 1, 2023
How can I set up separate taxes for an event that are different from our retail store?
Master your operations with precise Team Permissions
How do I setup payment types?
Can I track admin actions in Meadow with the audit log?