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Accessories 101

How to create accessory products, set the correct compliance status, troubleshoot purchase orders, and more

Updated over a week ago

Create an Accessory in Meadow

  1. Navigate to the products tab

  2. Select "create product"

  3. Build the product profile (like you normally would for a cannabis product)

    1. You can set multiple price points if you sell more than one size or option of the product

    2. Select "item" under "unit"

  4. When you click "save new product," Meadow will navigate to the product's Inventory settings. Select "No tracking" under "Compliance status."

Under Inventory Type, you can choose whether or not you want to keep track of inventory quantity within Meadow. However, Inventory Type: Pricing Option - Count/Each based is recommended.

Add inventory to an Accessory: You can add inventory to an accessory by either creating a new purchase order, editing an existing purchase order, or by creating a reconciliation.

If you are working on an existing purchase order and you'd like to add accessories to it, follow these steps.

  1. Create the purchase order and make sure it is "open"

  2. On the order details page, find the text entry box at the bottom. Underneath "Product/Product options:" type the name of the accessory and select it from the drop down.

  3. Enter the amount and cost per unit

  4. Navigate to the receptions tab and receive the accessory

If you are working on a purchase order with an accessory, and the receptions tab is asking for you to select a Metrc package ID, the product is set to compliant. That means you set the compliance status incorrectly. To fix this, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the order details page of the purchase order

  2. Make sure the purchase order is "open"

  3. Remove the accessory line item by clicking the red "x"

  4. Find the accessory product that needs to be fixed, and edit the compliance status under the product's inventory tab. Select "No tracking" under compliance status.

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