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Account vs Location Content

Account content is accessible across all locations in an account; Location content is only visible for that specific location.

Duncan Paradice avatar
Written by Duncan Paradice
Updated over 11 months ago

Account Level Content

This is information that is visible across all locations (e.g Hospitals / Depts. etc) in an Account. If you update or add to this content, it will be updated or added for all of the locations in the account.

You can only add or edit account level content if you are an Account Dashboard Manager (vs a Location Dashboard Manager).

Location Level Content

This is information that is only visible to people that are logged in to that specific location. If you update information at this level it only effects people logged in to your location.

Location Dashboard Managers at a different location cannot see or edit content for another location.

Dashboard View of Account vs Locations

Using the breadcrumbs to identify Account vs Location

Diagram of Content Structure

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