What are the Benefits?
Manually transcribing sign-in sheets, trying to collate multiple attendance records, and making sure you are meeting the accreditation standards can all be difficult to juggle.
Med App has the ability to generate reports across a number of features in the app, so you can quickly see who has attended education and training events, viewed Mailout documents, or engaged with a quality improvement campaign. You can also download attendance details for a specific clinician, event, or group as well as review their engagement with in app Mailout documents.
This means no more transcribing of paper to digital, knowing exactly where the data is stored and being able to export it to an easy to handle and file format (.csv for viewing in Excel).
How could I be using these reports?
Here are a few examples of when they might be useful:
ensuring your clinicians are attending relevant education and training sessions from a group, event, or even individual user perspective. This is useful toward meeting JMO education accreditation standards
Download and store the attendance spreadsheets on a regular basis in a local drive or collate into a single doc
track specific mailout engagement including views and signatures of important documents such as mandatory training notifications, end of term assessments, or specific quality improvement resources
These reports will always be available from the dashboard, so you can either download and keep a copy locally on your computer, or just refer to the dashboard and download them as needed.
You can always download the CSV reports and combine them to look at the data in different ways.
What does 'report' mean?
Reports in the dashboard means the ability to export data about attendance for education and training events, individual user engagement (views and signatures) with Mailouts , or exporting information about the overall clinician engagement with communications sent over time with Campaigns.
Getting the Reports?
To export a .CSV report you must go into the relevant section in the dashboard and click 'download'. Below we have some:
Video guides showing how to export the reports (also includes commentary on what information you get in the reports)
Images of how the buttons look in the dashboard
Example reports you can have a look at include:
Video step through of how to get a report?
Mailouts - download from specific mailout section
Events (education and training) - download from a group or event section
Individual users - download from their user profile page
Campaigns - download from the specific campaign group section
Or look for these buttons!
For Mailouts and Campaigns use this button:
For education and training 'Events', use this button:
For specific user profiles use this button (for education and training events and CPD):
Example Reports?
Here is an example of a Mailout report
Here is an example of an education and training 'Events' report
Here is an example of a report for an individual user
Here is an example report from the Campaigns feature