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About Cohorts

Cohorts saves you time and improves clinician engagement by allowing you to create targeted groups

Ben Rowland avatar
Written by Ben Rowland
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Cohorts is a feature that lets you create and manage groups of clinicians who share common attributes or interests. You can use Cohorts to send targeted communications, invitations, and surveys to your users on Med App. This page explains how to set up and use Cohorts, and how they can help you save time and improve clinician engagement.

Benefits of setting up cohorts

Cohorts saves you time and improves clinician engagement by allowing you to create targeted groups.

  • Highly targeted, relevant communications reduces disengagement

  • Easily replicate communications, events invitations and surveys

  • Full control over who is in and who is out

  • Create as many as you need (and delete or archive old ones too)

  • Add and remove existing users with a simple click to ensure the cohort is accurate

How does Cohorts work?

The simplest way to use Cohorts is to set up a group and then adding clinicians into it when you invite them to Med App. You can also add clinicians into a cohort by searching for individuals or using the filter for attributes like role.

How to start using cohorts:

Setting up a cohort is very simple - just two quick steps:

  1. Set up the Cohort ‘shell’, which is as easy as just choosing a name to reflect your group of users, such as ‘Medical Interns 2022’, or 'Surgical Teaching Term 1'.

  2. When inviting users to Med App (from the invite users page), simply select the Cohort to add them too.

  3. If you have users you want to add to a cohort that already have access to your site, just click into the cohort and 'Add Users' from your user list.

Why is it important to prepare Cohorts before rotations?

The short answer is that you'll be more organised!

Before each rotation it is important that new Cohorts are set up for onboarding to your hospital and also Med App.

What groups should I set up?

Consider who you want to target specifically for communications, education sessions or quality improvement projects:

  • Role, year and rotation - E.g. Interns - 20XX

  • Departments specific cohorts: ED, ICU, Paediatric care, surgery, Locums etc.

  • Combined roles like SMO & Consultants, PHO & REG

Archiving Cohorts

It's important to maintain only actively used cohorts so you don't end up with a long and confusing list of user groups.

To archive or delete an existing cohort, click the 3 dots on the right of any cohort name and select archive or delete.

Give it a go

Now you are ready to setup your first Cohort, click below to try.

Useful articles related to cohorts

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