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Creating and editing Event Groups

Event groups make it quicker to create events & centralises attendance reporting

Ben Rowland avatar
Written by Ben Rowland
Updated over 12 months ago

Event Groups are a helpful tool for faster event creation when you want to invite specific groups of people to the same education or training event, such as intern education.

  • Keep track of attendance over multiple education sessions, such as the percentage of attendance per person.

  • Add multiple cohorts per group

  • Create the Event Group once, and any changes made to a cohort, such as adding or removing users, will automatically be reflected in the Event Group

🔥Hot tip 1: Create your event group first, before you create any education and training events. It will help make reporting easier later!

How to create a new Event Group

  1. Log into Med App and click on 'Events' feature in the dashboard

  2. Click 'Create Event Group'

Managing event group details

  1. Name the group

  2. Select a location (*Account managers only)

  3. Select the invitees - you can do this via multiple methods

    1. Choose one or more Cohorts (static list)

    2. Select from user list (static list)

    3. Select by role (dynamic list)

🔥 Hot tip : To use a cohort as an invitee list, you need to create a cohort first. If you haven't yet created a cohort, read our guide here

Selecting Cohorts for the Event Group

  1. You can search for the Cohort, click the dropdown and select one or more cohorts from the list.

  2. Review the list of users for the selected Cohort(s).

  3. Click Create Invite Group when you are ready

Review event groups

Now you've created your Event Group, it will appear in the Event Groups Tab on the Events page in the dashboard.

Add events to your Event Group

  1. Find and click the name of your existing event group via the Event Groups tab

  2. Click Add Event in the top right-hand corner

  3. Read the full article how to create an event here

Editing an event group

You can change who is part of your event group depending on it was set up using roles, cohorts, or user lists.

  1. Find your event Group

  2. Click Edit

  3. Event groups made with Cohorts - You can change which cohorts have been selected.

  4. To change which users are in each cohort you will need to edit cohort user list

  5. Event groups made with a user list - You'll be able to add and remove users from this list.

  6. once you have found the users you'd like to add, click the box next to their name to add them, then 'Save changes'

  7. To remove users from this list click on 'x users selected' next to the save changes button.

Generating Event Group Attendance Reports

  1. Clicking on the name of the Event Group will show all events created for this group

  2. Download attendance results - the output is in a .csv file (Excel) - which lets you run any kind of custom analysis on it.

  3. Contact the Med App hospital success team if you want a hand with custom formulas or analysis for the attendance report.

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