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Plan Status & Approval

Keep your team on the same page with plan statuses

Aydin Ismailov avatar
Written by Aydin Ismailov
Updated over a week ago

Plan Statuses

There are four possible statuses for a plan:

  • Working: the plan is in-progress

  • Pending: the plan has been sent to the approver(s), who has yet to respond

  • Approved: the plan is complete and approved by the approver(s)

  • Rejected: the plan has been rejected by one or more approver(s)

Changes in status are made automatically when:

  • A plan is sent for approval

  • A plan is approved

  • A plan is rejected

  • Someone changes or adds data within an Approved plan, which will revert the plan status back to Working

Changes in status can also be made manually by Editors or Admins.

Tracking Changes

All of the following user details are recorded in the Changelog when a plan's status has changed:

  • The user who sends a plan for approval

  • The user the plan is sent to for approval

  • The user who approves the plan

  • The user who manually updates a plan status

How to Change Status and Send for Approval

Send a plan for approval

To send a plan for approval, click on the stamp icon located on the top right of the plan view.

Select Send plan for approval in the drop-down menu, select one or several receivers and then add an optional comment. The comment will be visible in the plan activity view as well as the changelog under the HUB.

If you send your plan for approval from several people, it will only be considered approved when all recipients have approved it.


Each approver will receive an email with a request for approval and also a notification within Mediatool.

If the plan is approved, a version of the plan is automatically saved. Any further updates made to the plan will automatically change the status from Approved back to Working.

Approve a plan

If you are an approver and want to set an approval status, simply visit the media plan that requested your approval, either through the email notification link or the in-tool link located by your notification window.

In the approval bar on top of the media plan where it says Status: Pending and your name, simply press the APPROVE / REJECT button, leave an optional comment, and select your status. A notification will be sent to the sender.

Manually set a plan status

To manually set a plan status, select Set plan status from the drop-down menu that appears when clicking on the stamp icon. Then select one of the four statuses. When selecting the Pending status, an approver must be set.

View a plan status

You can check who the pending approver is at the top left corner of the plan view.

Also, if you want to get an overview of multiple plan statuses, we recommend using the Calendar View at the Organization level. If you adjust your Calendar View settings to include a hierarchy with Plans, the plan status will always display (like the icons above) next to each plan.

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