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Access support or report an issue

Need to reach a CSM or live support? Here's how.

Aydin Ismailov avatar
Written by Aydin Ismailov
Updated over a week ago

If you cannot find what you're looking for on our Help Center or you're experiencing a technical issue that you'd like to report, you can reach us via the Contact Support button in the Mediatool App, as shown below.

If you navigate away from the App, our response will be sent to you via email. So, no need to stick around - you'll receive a notice as soon as we reply.

It's also possible to search and access our Help Center directly through the support widget, which can make it easy to toggle back and forth between an article and putting your newfound knowledge into action!

Finally, if you are unable to access the Mediatool app or are looking to reach support via your mobile device, you are able to contact support through by simply clicking on the support widget, as shown below.

Thank you for using Mediatool and happy planning!

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