In order to reduce interview no-shows, Mercu sends automated interview reminders to all candidates with a scheduled interview.
T-24h reminder
If the candidate scheduled the interview more than 24h prior to the interview time, then we send a reminder at T-24h.
This reminder includes the interview details (date, time, location) and asks the candidate to confirm their attendance.
If the candidate confirms their attendance (by tapping the "Confirm attendance" button), we mark the interview as "Confirmed" on the Agenda view in the Mercu portal.
If the candidate doesn't confirm their attendance, the interview is still scheduled but our data shows that unconfirmed interviews are at a greater risk of resulting in candidate no-show.
T-2h reminder
If the candidate scheduled the interview more than 2h prior to the interview time, then we send a reminder at T-2h.
This reminder includes the interview details (date, time, location).
Candidates can reschedule their interview at any time in line with the rescheduling rules you set up. Candidates can also cancel their interview at any time. All cancellations will show on the Agenda view in the Mercu portal.