Managing team members on the MindForge mobile app is now even easier with the new Add Team Member feature. In addition to the existing methods for team members to join, Admins and Team Managers can now conveniently add members directly from the field using the MindForge mobile app.
Steps to Add Team Members:
1. Locate the Team:
First, identify the team to which you need to add a member. You can use the Jobsites or Organizations tab to narrow down your search and find the correct team. For example, if you're adding a member to a jobsite team, start by selecting the Jobsites tab. Then, choose the appropriate jobsite to view the list of teams.
2. Select the Team:
After selecting the relevant jobsite, you will see a list of teams. Click on the team where you want to add a member.
Once you’ve selected the team, click on **+New Member**.
3. Search and Add the Member:
Use the search bar to enter the name of the person you wish to add to the team.
Once you find their name in the list, click on it, and confirm by selecting Add in the pop-up window.
You will now see their name listed as a member of the team.
Important Notes:
MindForge automatically pulls names from both the organization’s Employee listing and the jobsite member listing, making the process quick and seamless.
Handling Missing Names: If the person’s name does not appear when you search, simply click Show Join Code from the Jobsite screen and have them scan the QR code on your device to join the team.