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MOGU Terms and Conditions
MOGU Terms and Conditions
Alicia Escobar avatar
Written by Alicia Escobar
Updated over a week ago

About MOGU

  1. When you book a trip or experience, MOGU is the provider and responsible for the Platform, but not for the service itself.

  2. MOGU has a support chat for technical questions about the platform. Under no circumstances will support be provided for a service of the trip.

  3. We take reasonable care in providing our Platform, but we cannot guarantee that all content is accurate. To the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for any errors, interruptions or missing information, although we will do our best to correct and remedy these as quickly as we can.

  4. We are not a party to the terms and conditions agreement that you and the Service Provider enter into, and the Service Provider is solely responsible for the Travel Experience.

  5. You may need to create an Account to make a Booking. Please ensure that all information (including payment and contact details) is correct and up to date, or you may not be able to access your Travel Experiences. You are solely responsible for everything that happens to your Account, so you must prevent anyone else from using it and you must keep your username and password secret.

  6. We will show you the tool in the language (that we think is) right for you. However, you can change it at any time.

  7. Unless otherwise stated, you must be at least 16 years of age to use the Platform.

Our values

You commit to:

  • comply with all applicable laws;

  • co-operate in any anti-fraud/anti-money laundering checks we may need to carry out;

  • not to use the Platform to cause damage or make false Bookings;

  • use the Travel Experience and/or our Platform for its intended purpose;

  • not cause harm or damage and not behave inappropriately towards the Service Provider's staff (or anyone else for that matter).

Payment Processing

  1. Before processing any payment, you must tick the box to accept the terms and conditions of the platform and the Service Provider.

  2. You will be able to select to pay in any of the modalities that the Service Provider has set up:

    a. Full payment: the entire amount of the experience will be charged on the spot.

    b. Payment in instalments: a deposit will be charged and then the corresponding instalments will be charged at each due date.

  3. In case of choosing the payment plan option, MOGU will send an email as a reminder, 5 days before the automatic charge of the instalments defined by the agency. In case of not being able to be charged, the service provider will be notified to be responsible for the claim.

  4. MOGU, being the technological tool that processes the payment, will appear in the bank statement "MOGU", but at no time will be responsible for the contracted service.

  5. As the person making the booking, you are responsible for the actions and behaviour (in relation to the Travel Experience) of each person in your group. You are also responsible for obtaining their permission before providing us with their personal details.

Handling of refunds

  1. If you cancel a Booking, cancellation charges or any refund will depend on the Service Provider's cancellation conditions.

  2. In the event of a refund or cancellation, funds will be received within 7 - 10 days of your request. The refund will be made using the same payment method used for the original transaction.

Dispute management

A dispute refers to any disagreement, conflict or problem between two or more parties involved in a transaction conducted through our platform. This may include, but is not limited to, disputes relating to payments, services, products or any other aspect of transactions.

As stated above, it is important to note that the bank statement will show the name of "MOGU", not the agency. This is because MOGU is the payment processor that has enabled the transaction.

In the event of a dispute, we will proceed as follows:

  • If it is a misunderstanding, we will resolve by sending you the funds to be transferred to your agency (average resolution time 1-2 weeks).

  • If you are not satisfied with the service or for any other reason, we will proceed with the processing of the dispute. In this case, your agency must provide, within 20 days, the necessary evidence to justify the inappropriateness of the dispute. If the bank decides in your favour, you will receive the amount. If it decides against you, your agency will receive it.

Data security

  1. Payments will be processed securely and confidentially, using encryption technologies to protect payment information.

  2. All information related to the booking (not involving payments) is securely stored on AWS servers, in accordance with their security standards:

  3. In turn, MOGU delegates the corresponding data privacy and security actions to the integrated payment providers:


MOGU reserves the right to modify this cancellation and refund policy at any time. Updates will be published on the MOGU platform and will become effective immediately upon publication.

Accessibility request

  1. If you have an accessibility request:

  • about our Platform and/or our services, please contact our Customer Service team:

  • about your Travel Experience (wheelchair access, walk-in bathtubs, etc.), please contact the Service Provider, airport, train station, etc.

Communications with the Service Provider

We can help you contact your Service Provider, but we cannot guarantee that they will read what you have sent or do what you have requested. In itself, contacting them or being contacted by them does not mean that you have grounds for legal action.

Limitations of liability

  1. To the extent permitted by mandatory consumer legislation, we will only be liable for costs you incur as a direct result of our failure. This means that, to the extent permitted by law, we will not be liable for (for example):

    a. consequential loss or damage;

    b. inaccurate information about a Service Provider;

    c. products, services or actions of a Service Provider or other business partner;

    d. errors in an e-mail address, telephone number or credit card number (unless we are at fault);

    e. events of force majeure or events beyond our control.

  2. If you breach these Terms or the Service Provider's terms, to the extent permitted by law:

    • we will not be liable for any costs you incur as a result; and

    • you will not be entitled to any refund.

  3. To the extent permitted by law, the most we, or any Service Provider, will be liable for (whether for one event or a series of connected events) is the cost of your Booking, as set out in the confirmation email.

  4. Nothing in these terms shall limit our (or the Service Provider's) liability in respect of our (or your) own (i) negligence resulting in death or personal injury or (ii) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.

  5. We make no promises about the Service Providers' products and services (other than what we expressly state in these Terms). You are solely responsible for making the right choices.

  6. For the avoidance of doubt: nothing in these Terms shall confer any rights on any third party other than the Service Provider in respect of anything.

  7. You may be protected by mandatory consumer protection laws and regulations, which guarantee you rights that none of any company's terms can override. In that case, our liability is determined not only by these Terms, but also by applicable consumer protection laws and regulations.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

  1. To the extent permitted by mandatory local (consumer) law, these Terms and our services shall be governed by Spanish law.

  2. To the extent permitted by mandatory local (consumer) law, any claim shall be subject exclusively to the jurisdiction of the competent courts of Spain.

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