How do I cancel my subscription?

Here you can find a guide on how to cancel your subscription.

Jannes avatar
Written by Jannes
Updated over a week ago

We're sorry to hear that we won't be able to continue supporting you towards achieving your goals. Here's how to cancel your subscription:

If you subscribed to MyFitCoach as an in-app purchase, your subscription is managed through your Google Play or iTunes account. You can cancel your subscription in your iOS or Google Play settings by disabling auto-renewal. Here are the guides for each platform:

iOS (App Store)

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.

  2. Tap on your name.

  3. Tap on "Subscriptions".

  4. Tap on the subscription you wish to manage.

  5. Tap on "Cancel Subscription".

Android (Google Play)

  1. Open the Play Store on your smartphone.

  2. Tap on the menu icon and select "Subscriptions".

  3. Look for the MyFitCoach subscription and select it.

  4. Tap on "Cancel Subscription" and confirm your choice.

  5. Your subscription will then expire at the next available opportunity. (Alternatively, you can also cancel your subscription through Google Play's website)

If you subscribed not through the app but through our website, you can cancel your subscription as follows:

  1. Send us a message through our contact form, expressing your wish to cancel.

  2. Make sure to include your order ID from your Digistore24 payment confirmation or alternatively, the email address of your MyFitCoach account in the message.

  3. Send the email at least 24 hours before your subscription ends so that we can process your cancellation in time. If not, your MyFitCoach subscription will be extended by the same period, and you'll only be able to cancel at the next available opportunity.

We deeply regret that you're not continuing with MyFitCoach. We hope you might decide to try our coaching again in the future – we would be delighted!

If you have further questions or suggestions, please email us at

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