Our Features Early Access Program gives select customers early access to new features on our platform. By participating, you can explore our latest functionalities, share valuable feedback, and help shape Logiwa’s product capabilities. This approach enables us to deliver a more robust, customer-aligned product before a full release.
How It Works
Early Access Invitation: Selected customers are invited to try out features with a “Beta” tag in the Logiwa platform. This tag indicates that the feature is in its final testing phase.
Testing & Feedback: Early Access customers interact with new features, provide direct feedback, and help us identify any potential improvements.
Feature Enhancement & Release: After testing and validation, features that meet our confidence metrics will be fully released to all customers. The “Beta” tag will be removed, and the feature will be announced in our release notes.
Important Considerations
Impact of Testing: As “Beta” features are in their final testing stage, certain functionalities might change based on feedback, and there may be minor performance adjustments before the full launch.
How to Provide Feedback
Participants can share their experiences through feedback channels designated for each feature. These feedback options may include an embedded survey, form, Customer Success Manager, or customer support contact point.
Legal Disclaimer
Participation in Logiwa’s Features Early Access Program is entirely voluntary. By accessing a feature with a “Beta” tag, customers acknowledge that the feature is in a test phase. Logiwa does not assume liability for any financial claims, including but not limited to business interruptions or revenue loss, that may arise due to the feature’s functionality or temporary issues.