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Create a Warehouse

How to create a warehouse and complete your warehouse set up.

Written by Linda
Updated over a year ago

Warehouses play a foundational role in logistics by serving as storage facilities for goods, enabling efficient inventory management and distribution to meet customer demand. Want to create a digital warehouse of your own in Logiwa IO? This is how you get started!

Step-by-Step Guide

  • To create a new warehouse, navigate to the Warehouse screen.

  • A predefined warehouse named MyWarehouse is available in this section. If you would like to edit this warehouse rather than create a new warehouse, please visit the Edit a Warehouse article. Otherwise, continue following this guide.

  • On the Warehouse screen, click the Create Warehouse button.

  • The Create Warehouse section will load and display the following fields (explanations below screenshot):




Name in the system for your warehouse. Required.


An optional prefix that can be added to help differentiate between warehouses.

Address line 1*

  • Main line of the warehouse address.

  • The warehouse address entered in this section will be used as the Ship From Location when generating carrier labels.

  • Required field.

Address line 2

Suite, unit number, or other necessary secondary information.

Postal code*

Zip/postal code. Required.


City name. Required .


Choose from a list of countries. Required.

State* (or Region)

State is a required field, but region is not. Depending on Country selection, state or region will be displayed.

Contact name*

First and last name of the main contact for this warehouse. Required.

Contact phone number*

Phone number for the warehouse's main contact/the warehouse. Required field.


Warehouse or main contact's primary email.

Start Time*

Start time for the day shift at the warehouse.

Day Zone* (1)

AM/PM setting for the start time.

End Time*

End time for the day shift at the warehouse.

Day Zone*

AM/PM setting for the end time.

  • After filling all required fields, click the Next button to continue to the Settings section.

  • In the Settings section, you'll complete four fields.

    • If you haven't created locations yet, you will not be able to set default receiving or shipping locations. If you have, you can set those fields at this time.

    • To learn about creating locations, see this article: Create a Location



Default Dimension Unit

Used to auto-populate the relevant fields on screens where dimensions are used.

Default Weight Unit

Used to auto-populate the relevant fields on screens where weights are used.

Default Receiving Location

The default location in the warehouse for receiving. To fill this field, type at least 3 characters to search for a location.

Default Ship Location

The default location in the warehouse for shipping. To fill this field, type at least 3 characters to search for a location.

Default Virtual Location

The default virtual location in the warehouse. Virtual locations do not exist in the warehouse but can be used to place products that are not physically in inventory, such as those lost or on their way to the warehouse.

To fill this field, type at least 3 characters to search for a location.

  • A confirmation message will appear when your warehouse is created.

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