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Create a Shipment Order

How to manually create a new shipment order.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over 8 months ago

This article will guide you through manually creating a shipment order, which will allow you to ship your products.

Step-by-Step Guide

  • To begin, navigate to the Shipment Order page.

    • If you have trouble finding this page, please use the Search option

  • To create a single shipment order, click Create Shipment Order in upper righthand corner.

    • You can also use the Import button to bulk import or update shipment orders.

Order Details

  • You will now proceed through 6 steps, beginning with Step 1. The fields for Step 1, Order Details are below.




Select the warehouse this order will ship from. Required.


If applicable. Select the client this order belongs to. Required.

Order Code*

  • Unique code to mark this order.

  • Manually enter an order code or use the automatically generated code.

  • Required.

Order Type*

  • Select the category for your shipment order from the available options. Shipment Order is provided as a system default.

  • Learn more about creating shipment order types here.

  • Required.

Order Date*

Use the calendar menu to select the date the order was made. Required.

Expected Shipment Date*

Use the calendar menu to select the expected day this order will ship. Required.


  • Add an additional note for this order if needed.

  • Up to 500 characters.


Set the numerical priority for this order.

  • Once you've filled in the necessary fields, click Next Step to continue to Step 2.


  • You can now search for existing customers using the Customer box or fill in the customer's information and address details. Explanations for the fields are below.




Type at least 3 characters to search for an existing customer.

First name

Customer's given name.

Last name

Customer's family name.

Customer email

Customer's email.


Customer's phone number.

Address line 1

Main line of the shipment destination's address. (Up to 256 characters)

Address line 2

Suite, unit number, or other necessary secondary information. (Up to 256 characters)

Postal code

Zip/postal code.


City name.


Choose from a list of countries. Required field.


Depending on Country selection, state or region will be displayed. You must select a state, but region can be skipped.

Use Shipment Address as Billing Address

Select to automatically use the address entered above as the billing address.

Enter a New Address for Billing

Select to enter a new address for billing. This will open an additional Billing Address section.

  • After filling in the shipment information, click on Next Step to proceed to Products.


  • In this section, you'll enter the products in the shipment.

  • You can search for existing products, search the SKUs you've added already, or create a new product without leaving this screen.

  • To create a new product, click the Create New Product button.

    • This is only possible if granted access.

    • You can learn more about creating a product here.

  • To search and add a product by SKU, type at least 3 characters from the SKU into the Enter SKU and Add Product search box.

  • Once you find the SKU you wish to add, add 1 by pressing the [+] button. If you need to add more than 1, increase the value by typing the desired amount or using the arrows, then click the [+] button. The Edit Product sidebar will open.

  • If the product requires editing, use the Edit Product sidebar to adjust the product's details. Whether you make changes or not, click Apply to exit this sidebar and add the product.

  • You will receive a confirmation message after successfully adding product.

  • To search through the products you've added to this shipment order, use the Find SO Detail by SKU field. This will narrow your view to only the SKU you've searched by.

  • A detailed table with a summary of what you've added at the top will update as you add SKUs. You can quickly see the number of SKU, number of kits, and the total quantity, as well as further details for each product. Scroll to the right to see all the details for your product(s).

  • If you need to make changes to an individual line, you can easily click on the 3 Dots menu to access the Edit or Delete buttons.

  • You can make changes to the UOM Pack Type, Quantity, and Price Per Item after adding a product.

  • When you're done adding products, click on Next Step to continue.


  • On this screen, you'll enter the carrier and shipment service (if applicable) for this order. You'll need to have your carriers, shipping services, and shipment packages set up ahead of time to continue.

  • Explanations for the fields are below.




Carrier shipping this order, if applicable.

Shipping Service

Shipping service shipping this order, if applicable.

Carrier Billing Type

How the carrier will be billed. Available options will vary by the selected carrier. Some options may include:

  • Sender

  • Recipient

  • Third Party

  • Collect

Carrier International Billing Type

How an international carrier will be billed. Available options will vary by the selected carrier. Some options may include:

  • Sender

  • Recipient

  • Third Party

  • Collect

Packing Instructions

Type any packing instructions that may be needed here. Maximum length is 1000 characters.

Current Tracking Number

If a tracking number is available, it will be automatically appear here.

Shipment Package

Select the material (box, envelope, container, etc.) this order will be packed in.

  • After adding the shipment information, click Next Step to continue.

Other Info

  • In this section, you can add any necessary additional information. This screen is flexible and includes fields for adding extra notes, a field to note fraud risk, and a Gift toggle to enable if a Gift Note is needed.

  • If additional fields are needed, custom fields can be added to this screen with the Add/Edit Custom Field button.



Custom Field Type*

Select from a list of options to make your custom field into a text box, dropdown menu, date picker, or toggle. Required field.

Custom Field Name*

Name displayed for your custom field. Required field.

Keep it Mandatory

Enable to make this field mandatory.

Return from API

Enable to have this custom field return data from the API.

Is Active

Set to Yes by default. Toggle off to make the custom field inactive.

  • Once you've added the other info needed, click Next Step to reach the final screen.


  • Review your shipment order. Check to assure that all details are correct and that all the information you need has been added.

  • If you need to make changes, you can use the Back button to return to previous steps.

  • You can also use the Cancel Order button in the righthand corner of the screen to delete all work on this order so far.

  • When you're ready to finalize, select Save Order to generate the shipment order.

  • A confirmation screen will load with suggestions for what to to do next.

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