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Get Rates and Create Labels

Learn how to get rates and create labels for your orders.

Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over a year ago

Navigating the world of shipping while getting exactly the rates and services you want can be a daunting task. Logiwa IO simplifies this process. This guide will walk you through each step, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and your customers.

  • Navigate to the Shipment Orders screen.

  • Next, choose a single or multiple orders that you wish to get rates and create labels for.

  • Click on the Label button and select Create Label from the available options. You can also use this button to access the Reprint and Void functions for labels.

  • The Create Label screen will open in another tab. Fill in the necessary information, and choose your preferred shipping option.

    • Keep in mind that you are still allowed to adjust the orders by selecting or deselecting on the right side of the screen, if there are multiple orders.

  • Click the Get Rate button to see the price provided by the carrier itself.

  • Rate results will be displayed. Please select those you want to create labels with.

  • Click on the Get Label button at the bottom of the screen to create the labels for your selected order(s).

  • You can directly view the label along with the packing slip or only the packing slip itself right after creating label via pop-up.

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