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Allocation Exceptions
Written by Stephanie Kelley
Updated over 2 months ago

From the Allocation Exceptions page, you can track orders that cannot be part of a given wave rule and the reason for that. This article will cover the seven reasons why orders cannot be allocated within a wave rule that has been run.

The allocation exceptions are as follows:

  1. Shortage: There may not be enough inventory for the product or it does not match the algorithm rules.

  2. Rule Order Condition: The order's criteria may not match the wave's criteria.

  3. Eliminated by 'Single Item' Condition(s): The job type is for single orders and the selected orders are not single.

  4. Eliminated by 'Identical Item' Condition(s): The job type is for identical orders and the selected orders are not identical.

  5. Eliminated by 'Min N of Orders' Condition(s): The order may not be included in the jobs created with the order wave due to the minimum order quantity.

  6. Eliminated by 'Min/Max N of Products' Condition(s): The order may not be included in the jobs created with the order wave due to the minimum or maximum product quantity.

  7. Eliminated by Job Type Condition(s): The order's criteria may not match the advanced conditions in the job type.

  8. Eliminated by Grouping Conditions: The order may not be included in the jobs created with the order wave due to grouping rules that require orders to be grouped by a specific method.

Shortage Example

In this example, there is no inventory from MRV-HB-THANOS-1, so id7045 has a shortage, and therefore products cannot be allocated with the wave named singleonly.

Order Code, Wave No, Wave Rule Set Name, Allocation Algorithm Rule Name, Shortage SKU, Shortage Quantity, Inventory Quantity, Order Detail Quantity, Allocation Algorithm, Explanation and Is Roll Backed columns can be seen above.

Eliminated by 'Single Item' Condition(s)

In this example, the criteria of 11621abcd do not match with the Single Item job type, so it cannot be allocated by the wave named singleonly.

Order Code, Wave No, Wave Rule Set Name, Explanation and Is Roll Backed columns can be seen above.

Important Note: If a Shipment Order is eliminated by the Wave Rule Criteria, the order does not even go into Wave Rule and the system does not try to allocate the order at all. Thus, the order is not shown in the Allocation Exceptions screen.

Note: Please be aware that due to structural changes on the Allocation Exceptions screen, all historical data will be removed in July 2024. Going forward, Allocation Exceptions screen will only display logs from the past 30 days.

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