In Logiwa IO, Serial Number Tracking is supported in Receiving & Packing/Shipment processes. In other operation types (such as Transfer, Count, Replenishment, Picking, etc.), only the product's SKU or Barcode will be scanned to complete the operations. The locations of the serial numbers are not being tracked by Logiwa IO.
NOTE: Serial number tracking is supported with UOM pack types only.
Serial Number Reports show the received and shipped serial numbers and calculate the serial numbers based on this report in the warehouse.
There are 5 parameters that manage serial number tracking in our system:
Track Serial Number
Both Receiving and Packing
Only Packing
Skip Scan Serial Number
Scan Secondary Serial Number
The below scenarios all assume that Track Serial Number is enabled (set to True), while the other toggles available may be true or false, depending on the scenario. These scenarios can help you understand how enabling/disabling these toggles will change the serial number process for your users.
You can learn more about our general serial numbers processes and setup from this article or setting these parameters during product setup here.
Tracking Method | Process |
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
Scenario 5
Scenario 6
Scenario 7
Scenario 8
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