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Client Setup

How to add a new client profile or edit an existing client profile in your account.

Written by Linda
Updated over 5 months ago

Logiwa helps you manage more than just warehouse operations and inventory management. You can add multiple clients and customize many details and preferences for each one you create. Here is your guide to creating a client from scratch.

Create or Edit Client

  • To create a client or edit a client, navigate to the Clients screen.

  • If this is your first time on this screen, you will find one predefined client named MyClient. You can either:

    • Add a new client with the Create Client button

    • Change the predefined client with the Edit button, available under the 3-Dot button

  • Both options follow a similar process, but if you choose the Edit option, some information will already be filled in.


  • The first tab is the Information tab, where you'll define the following fields:

    • Display name: The name that will be displayed for this client on every screen. We recommend a short and recognizable name. Required.

    • Official name: The legal name for the company that will be used on documentation. Required.

  • Click Next to continue to Settings.


  • In the Settings section, you can set your client's default currency, notification email settings, and packing settings. Explanations are broken into the sections below.


In this section, you can set the default currency for a client. It's as simple as selecting it from the Currency drop-down.

A few more key details:

  • Currency is an important setting for a client. Each client should define its preferred currency.

  • If the client doesn't choose a currency, the default value is set to the U.S. dollar (USD).

  • The system will start using the client's currency preference as soon as it is changed, and the currency will be used on every screen as a purchase and sale unit.

  • This is the only place it is possible to change the default currency for a client.

  • Please keep in mind that client data using a previous currency will not be changed if you change the default currency. Only the data from that point forward will use the new currency.

Notification Email

In this section, you can set which notification emails will be received for this client. The three toggles are:

  • Received PO Notification: When enabled, receive notification emails whenever a purchase order (PO) is received for this account.

  • Daily Inventory Notification: When enabled, receive a daily email notification regarding current inventory levels.

  • Safety Stock Notification: When enabled, receive notification emails when inventory falls below the defined safety stock level.

Fulfillment Settings

Currently, the only available setting in this section is Prevent Reallocation If Missing.

  • Prevent reallocation if missing:

    • When this parameter is enabled, the system will not attempt to reallocate the order. Inventory will be adjusted immediately, and the Task Cancellation process will be applied.

    • When this parameter is disabled, the system will attempt to reallocate the order based on the available free inventory as determined by the Allocation Algorithm.


Logiwa's Packing screen comes with a number of settings that you can adjust for each client. When an order is ready to be packed, the parameters that you have set will be automatically applied to orders for your client. An explanation of the available settings is below.


When Enabled (True)

When Disabled (False)

Direct Print Pack List

The pack list for orders with this client will be printed directly.

The pack list will not be printed directly.

Enable Pack All

A Pack All button will appear on the Packing screen to allow users to complete packing without scanning each product one by one.

Pack All will not be visible. The user will need to scan each product to complete packing.

Disable Shipping Option Change

The packer will be able to view but not edit the shipping option for the order.

The packer will be able to select a shipping option or change the existing one from the Packing screen if needed.

Disable Package Change

The packer will be able to view but not edit the shipment package type for the order.

The packer will be able to select a shipping package or change the existing one from the Packing screen if needed.

Disable Batch Order Packing

The packer will not be able to get shipping labels in bulk for identical orders.

The packer can print out shipping labels in bulk for identical orders.

Disable Carrier Rate

The packer will not be able to see the carrier rate and the Get Rate button will not be visible during packing.

The packer can see the carrier rate and click the Get Rate button during packing if needed.

Do Not Allow Multiple Shipment Packages

The packer will not see the Close Pack button and will not be able to pack multiple shipment packages for one order.

The packer can use the Close Pack button can be used to close a shipment package and have multiple boxes for the order.

Disable Packing Without Label

The packer will not be able to see the Pack Without Label button on the Packing screen.

The Pack Without Label button will be available if needed on the Packing screen. Once selected, the packer will be able to complete packing tasks without printing the carrier label.

Enable Enter Quantity

The packer can enter quantity and click on the line-based Pack button on the Packing screen to complete packing for multiple products.

The packer needs to scan products one by one to complete packing. The line-based Pack button will not be visible on the Packing screen.

Enable Package Suggestion

The package suggestion feature will be visible when using the Packing screen.

The package suggestion feature will not be visible when using the Packing screen.

Advanced Settings

  • Keep Receiving Date on Inventory: Allows users to choose whether to track and display the receiving date on screens and reports.

    • When enabled, the receiving date is displayed.

    • When disabled, the receiving date is not displayed.

    • Further information can be found in this article.

  • Allow unique SKU barcodes: Allows SKU barcodes to be unique during product creation & editing, via UI, Excel imports, Open API operations, and downloading products from sales channels.

    • This validation prevents duplicate barcodes across selected client’s products.

    • If a client's products already contain identical barcodes, it is not possible to save client settings with this parameter enabled.

  • Keep PO Number on Inventory: Allows PO numbers are tracked with inventory throughout key processes like receiving, transfers, picking, and counting. It simplifies warehouse operations by automatically associating PO numbers with inventory records, improving traceability.

    • Further information can be found in this article.

  • Click Next when you have made the necessary selections.


  • From the Addresses tab, you will add a Shipment Address and Billing Address for your client.

    • You can create more than one address for each of these sections, if needed.

  • Click Create to add the necessary address information for each section.

  • Explanations for the fields (identical for both shipment and billing addresses) are below.



Address Name*

Enter the nickname for this address, for example: Client ABC Office. Required field.

Contact First Name*

Your contact's given name. Required field.

Contact Last Name

Your contact's family name. Required field.

Contact Email

Your contact's primary email. Required field.

Contact Phone Number

Your contact's work or office number.

Contact Mobile Phone Number

Your contact's mobile phone number.

Address Line 1*

The main line of the client's address. Required field.

Address Line 2

Suite, unit number, or other necessary secondary information.

Postal Code*

Your client's zip/postal code. Required field.


Your client's city. Required field.


Choose from a list of countries. Required field.


Some countries will have a list of States to choose from while others will have a Region field to type the information. When the field is labeled Region, it is optional.

  • Once you've added the necessary addresses, Click Next to continue to Others.


  • From the Others tab, you can add SSCC18 Barcode Creation Rules for your client.

    • These fiels aren't necessary to fill. If you are planning to create SSCC18 LP Numbers for a Client, You need to fill fields on this tab first.

  • You can find detailed information about SSCC18 Barcode Creation and GS1 Company Prefix, Serial Number and Extension Digit on SSCC18 Barcode Creation and UCC Label Printing Article.

  • Once you're done, Complete the process by clicking Save.

  • If the client was created successfully, a confirmation message will appear.

  • You can now view, edit, or delete your new client from the Clients screen using the 3-Dot button.

  • Once you have a client, you can add users and roles to the client by visiting those respective screens.

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