Once you've connected your Trev and Figured accounts, you'll want to connect your Trev farm(s) to a Figured farm (or multi-farm). Here's how:
The main Trev + Figured page is where you can connect a Trev farm (and see any existing connections) to a Figured farm - you can navigate here by selecting Integrations from the main menu and clicking on the Figured tile. This main page is divided into two sections - farms that are ‘Connected’ and farms that are ‘Not Connected’. All farms that you have access to on your Trev account will be visible on this page.
Farms that you have sufficient access to create a connection for will appear at the top of the Not Connected list. To connect a Trev farm to a Figured farm:
Click the Connect button on the right hand side of the relevant farm.
Choose the Figured farm (and multi-farm tracking category if set up in Figured).
Click Save Changes
This will bring you to a new page where you can determine the settings for this farm’s connection with Figured. Here you can:
Choose how you want your data transmitted from Trev to Figured with either Manual or Auto Sync (click here to find out more about Auto Sync)
Select the Sync From Date to choose how far back you wish your Trev data to migrate into Figured (click here to find out more about the Sync From Date)
Select Account Mappings for Purchases and Sales in Figured/Xero (click here to find out more about Account Mappings)
Adjust any Stock class mappings (if any)
Adjust any Event type mappings
Click the ‘Save and return’ button
You’ll be taken back to the main Trev + Figured page where you’ll be presented with a status overview where you can manage the flow of data. You can always update your connection settings at a later date.
Next step: Manage the flow of data.