Important information about the Figured integration
Getting Started Checklist
What does the Trev + Figured integration do?
What data is shared through the Trev + Figured integration?
Trev + Figured Integration Fineprint. Who owns the data?
How will your Trev data be shared?
Who can create and maintain the Trev + Figured integration?
What is the process to connect with Figured?
How do I connect my Trev and Figured accounts?
How do I connect my Trev farms to a Figured farm?
How do I manage my connection settings?
What are Account Mappings for Purchase and Sales?
What does the Sync From Date mean?
What’s the difference between Manual sync and Auto Sync?
How to sync my data to Figured?
What does the Sync Status mean in the Manage Data screen?
What happens when you edit an event in Trev?
What happens when you delete an event in Trev?
What happens if you edit livestock events in Trev prior to the Sync From Date? What happens to my opening livestock numbers?
How do inter-farm transfers work?
How do I add a sale or purchase value in Figured?
What can cause a Failed sync status?
What can cause a Pending sync status?
Why can’t I see all of my farms?
Why can’t I edit my connection with Figured?
Oops, I connected my Trev farm to the wrong Figured farm. I want to change the mapping.
Oops, I connected with the wrong Figured account. I want to remove the Figured integration.
I’m stuck, who do I contact?