When listing books and media in Neatoscan, receipt tickets will print out to be placed inside or on the item for organization and convenience. This article will cover how to reprint these receipts if they are lost, didn't print, or for any other reason.
Methods of Reprinting Receipt Tickets
You can reprint receipt tickets in various places in the software based on your current workflow. These methods will be shown in detail below.
Reprinting Your Receipt Immediately After Listing
If you are listing items and run out of receipt paper or the printer is off, once you fix the problem, In Pre-scanning & receiving, you can simply click Reprint.
π This reprint button will only appear after you have listed your item. There is no way to access this before listing.
Reprinting Receipt Tickets in Inventory Management
If you lose, damage, or need to make a copy of a receipt ticket, you can reprint it following these steps:
From Inventory Management, click on a folder that matches the listing status of your item.
Locate and select your item using the search or item list.
Go to the Item Details tab.
Click Print Ticket.
If you have any questions send us an email to support@neatoscan.com. Our support hours are between 8am-6pm CST, Monday to Friday.