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Inventory Management in Neatoscan Books

Overview of features and the workflow of the Inventory Management section in Neatoscan Books

Spencer Kotulski avatar
Written by Spencer Kotulski
Updated over 2 months ago


The Inventory Management section is an essential part of Neatoscan Books that allows you to view and manage your listings. This article will walk through the features and workflow of Inventory Management on the Books side of Inventory Manager. Due to the user permissions set up for your account, your interface may vary from the interface shown in this article.

Layout and Navigation

Inventory Management is divided into four sections, each to assist in viewing and managing your inventory.

  • Inventory Folders: Inventory is organized into folders based on their listing, selling, and error status.

  • Inventory List & Search: Use the search bar and filter to narrow your search within the selected Inventory Folder.

  • Tools & Notifiers: Tools to make changes to your inventory, print packing slips, and view missing attribute items.

  • Item Information: View detailed item/listing information here, such as listed marketplaces and history and about the selected item.

Inventory Folders

When searching for an item in your inventory, it will always be in one or more of the inventory folders. These folders act as filters for your entire active, closed, and sold inventory. These are covered in more detail below.

  • All: Every item that has ever been created in Neatoscan, listed or closed.

  • Listed: Items that are actively listed on a marketplace.

  • Sold: Items that have received an order from a buyer.

  • Being Picked: Items that are now in the process of being picked from their warehouse location.

  • Shipped: Items that have been shipped will be located in this folder.

  • Market Ship Errors: Orders that encountered errors while being marked as shipped.

  • Closed: Items that have been closed without being sold.

  • Listing Errors: Items with marketplace errors, like missing attributes or brand approval, causing them to be delisted on the marketplace.

  • Listed Market Errors: Items that encountered marketplace errors but remain listed.

  • Order Issues: Orders that cannot be fulfilled, typically due to double sales.

  • Canceled: Orders that were canceled in Neatoscan.

  • Refunded: Orders that were refunded in Neatoscan.

Search Bar & Inventory List

After choosing an inventory folder, search for listings in your inventory using the search bar. The search results will display an inventory list of items that match your search criteria.

Search by:

  • SKU: The main identifier for your item in Neatoscan. This is the barcode on your item's packing slip and receipt ticket.

  • Title (Starts With): Search by the beginning of the title. This method is typically faster than searching by the entire title.

  • Title: Search by the title of your listing. This can be slightly slower than the (Starts With) search, but more in-depth.

  • ASIN: The Amazon identifier for your listing. This can be found on Seller Central or your listing’s Amazon product page.

  • Email: The customer's email attached to an order.

  • FBA SKU: The main identifier for FBA items provided by Amazon.

  • Original Code: The ISBN of your listing.

  • Buyer Name: The customer’s name attached to an order.

  • Buyer Name (Starts With): The customer’s name attached to an order, but instead, search only by the beginning of the buyer's name. This method is slightly quicker than searching by the full name.

  • Ship To Name: The address name of an order. This is typically the same as the buyer's name.

  • Ship To Name (Starts With): The address name of an order. Search by the beginning of the address name. This method is quicker but requires an exact match.

  • Order ID: The order identifier number that is unique to each order. Use this to search for your order in Neatoscan or the marketplace.

  • Order ID (Exact): The order identifier number that is unique to each order. Use this to search for your order in Neatoscan or the marketplace. The "Exact" search is quicker but will not account for spacing or typing errors.

  • Order Item ID:

  • Tracking Number: The tracking number generated when shipping an item. Scan your shipping label to retrieve the tracking number, or look it up in the orders tab in Neatoscan.

  • Old SKU: If you have had an import, the SKU from your previous software solution will be shown here. Otherwise, the parent SKU will be here instead.

  • Neato Order ID: Any previous orders under the same buyer are grouped under this ID. Search for previous orders like this.

  • Wholesale-Location: The item location if your account uses the wholesale feature.

  • Wholesale-Warehouse: The warehouse if your account uses the wholesale feature.

Tools & Alerts

Search tools, order and inventory tools, and inventory and attribute alerts are available here. Each button in this section is detailed below.

  • Refresh: Used to refresh your search results or currently displayed inventory list.

  • Clear Search: Click to clear the data entered in your search bar quickly.

  • Print All Packing Slips: Print all sold or being picked orders packing slips or pick slips.

  • Reprint Last Job: Reprint the last ticket or packing slips you printed.

  • Inventory Tools: Tools to make bulk changes, clear errors, relocate inventory, and more.

  • Low Inventory Alerts: List of items for which the onhand quantity is below the restock quantity, if the restock quantity has been set.

  • Missing Attributes: View and add missing attributes for your listings.

Item Information

The Item information pane displays information about the selected item from your inventory list. This section consists of six tabs that provide useful information about the selected item.

  • Item Details: This section shows general item and listing information. You can also reprint item tickets, close listings, and update listing details.

  • Marketplaces: This tab displays marketplace price, listing status, and any listing errors.

  • Orders: If you have an order for the item selected, order details such as tracking numbers, order dates, and order marketplace.

  • History: Item and listing history is displayed, like listed date, order date, and other status updates.

  • Price History: Detailed price history and competing offer information.

  • Wholesale Quantity: If you are using wholesale, verify and adjust the wholesale quantity here.

Common Uses for Inventory Management

The Inventory Management section of Neatoscan Books is primarily used for viewing and managing listings, as well as printing orders for picking and shipping. Detailed information on these and other use cases is covered below.

Printing Packing Slips

Once items have sold, print packing slips or pick lists to pick to scan and ship them. In order to print packing slips or pick lists, follow the steps below.

Bulk Print Packing Slips

To print packing slips in bulk, add filters to what orders print, and many other customizations, use the Print All Packing Slips feature.

  1. In the Sold folder, click Print All Packing Slips. This will pop up a window where you can customize how you print them.

  2. From the pop-up window, click Print to start printing the packing slips. If your packing slip printer is not assigned, you must assign it before printing.

Print Packing Slips Individually

If there is only one item you want to print a packing slip for, it may make more sense to use this method instead of printing using the bulk method.

  1. From the Sold folder, select the item you would like to print a packing slip for.

  2. In the item information pane, click the Orders tab.

  3. Click Print Packing Slip. If no packing slip printer is assigned in your settings, nothing will print, or an error will occur.

Editing Listing Info

If you need to edit any of your listing information, like description or price, follow these steps:

📝 Not all items within the listing edit window can be edited.

  1. In the Listed folder, select the listing you want to edit.

  2. In the item information pane, click Edit Listing.

  3. Make the changes needed, then click Save Changes.

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