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Auction Management in Neatoscan Collectibles

Overview of the features and workflow of the Auction Management section in Neatoscan Collectibles

Spencer Kotulski avatar
Written by Spencer Kotulski
Updated over 2 months ago


The Auction Management section is an essential part of the software that allows you to manage your auction listings. This article will walk through the features and workflow of Auction Management in the Collectibles side of Neatoscan. Due to the user permissions set up for your account, your interface may vary from the interface shown in this article.

Layout and Navigation

Auction Management is divided into three main sections, each designed to assist in viewing and managing your inventory.

  • Inventory Navigation Folders: Inventory will be organized into folders based on listing status here.

  • Search Bar and Filters: Use the search bar and filter to narrow your search through both the Navigation Folders and Item Menu.

  • Item Menu: The inventory within your selected navigation folder is displayed here.

  • Item Details: View detailed item/listing information here, such as history and user information about the selected item.

The following subsections will cover each section of auction management in greater detail to understand how they help manage and track your inventory, orders, and efficiency.

Inventory Navigation Folders

When searching for an item in your inventory, it will always be in one or more of the navigation pane folders. The folders are divided into Products, Orders, and Containers. These are covered in more detail below.

  • Products

    • All: Every item that is currently in your inventory or used to be, regardless of listing status, will be in this folder.

    • Created: All items that have a tag created for them in the system but have not gone past this stage.

    • Sorted: All items that have been tagged and sorted but have not gone past this.

    • Incomplete: Items that are not yet ready to be listed on a marketplace, as they are still missing some information.

    • Awaiting Review: Items that have all listing details filled out and are awaiting approval from a user with permission to list the item.

    • Active: Items that are actively listed on a marketplace.

    • Error: Items that are in an error status that are unsold.

    • Active Unsold: Items that have no errors, but were never sold and never closed.

  • Orders

    • All: Every item that has been sold or ordered in your inventory will be in this folder.

    • Awaiting Payment: Items that have sold but the buyer hasn’t paid yet.

    • Awaiting Resolution: Items can be manually moved to this folder for any reason, but most commonly, it’s used as a holding place. If a buyer has questions about a time, place the order in this folder so you won’t accidentally cancel the order or relist.

    • Expired Payment: If the item was not paid within the payment period, it will be located here.

    • Paid: Items that were ordered and paid for, not shipped or picked yet.

    • Being Picked: Items that are now in the process of being picked from their warehouse location.

    • Awaiting Pickup: Items that are not being shipped, but instead being picked up locally will be in this folder until they are picked up.

    • Packed: Once items have been packed using the software's packing section, they will be located in this folder.

    • Shipped: Items that have been shipped will be located in this folder.

    • Refunded: Orders that were refunded or marked as refunded will be in this folder.

    • Canceled: Orders that were canceled or marked as canceled will be in this folder.

    • Errored: Items in an error status related to an order will be held in this folder.

  • Containers

    • All: All items that are in the container unless the container has been retired.

    • Created: Items that were created in a container.

    • Received: Items that are in containers that were received but not sorted.

    • Sorting: Containers that are currently being sorted will be located in this folder.

    • Missing: Containers that have been marked as missing because they were not received.

    • Retired: Containers that have been sorted, then retired.

    • Suspended: Containers that are marked as Suspended during sorting. Containers are typically marked as suspended to allow the user to pause and come back to them later.

Item Menu

The item menu is the list of items within the navigation folder you choose. For example, if you choose the Incomplete folder, the items within it will be displayed in the Item menu.

Bulk Actions

Depending on the folder you select, you can perform different bulk actions. A bulk action will allow you to perform a selected action on all of the items within the folder. The image and table below explain these bulk actions in more detail.

All Bulk Actions:

Bulk Action


Compatible Folders

Cancel and Relist

This action cancels the order and relists the item on the same listing profile step

Expired Payment

Cancel, Restart, Relist

This action cancels the order, Restarts the listing profile back to the first step, and relists the item

Expired Payment


This purges the item(s) from your inventory

Error, Active Unsold

List Sellhound Items

This action lists Sellhound Items

Awaiting Review

Print Missing Item Pick List

Missing items will be printed on a pick list


Print Missing Packing Slips

Packing slips for missing items within the folder will print


Print Packing Slips

This action prints packing slips for all items in the item selection within the chosen folder

Paid, Being Picked, Awaiting Pickup

Print Pick List

This will print the pick list with all items in the folder

Products > All, Active Unsold, Paid, Being Picked, Awaiting Pickup, Shipped


This will relist each item

Active Unsold

Reprint Tags

This action will reprint each item's barcode/item tag

All, Created, Sorted, Incomplete, Awaiting Review, Active, Error, Active Unsold, Awaiting Payment, Awaiting Resolution, Paid, Being Picked, Awaiting Pickup, Packed, Shipped, Refunded, Cancelled, Errored, Received, Sorting, Sorted, Missing, Retired, Suspended

Retry Errored Listings

Any listing that is in an error status will be relisted in an attempt to resolve the error


Review Items

This action will queue items to be reviewed one after the other

Awaiting Review

Item Details

The item details are on the right of the screen. This section shows the details, history, bids, errors, and more information about your items. There are five tabs in the item details and will each will be explained below.


The Details tab in the item details section will display information in four different groups. These groups are General, Categories, User and Dates, and Images. When in the Details tab, you can scroll down to find them. The image below will display all the information in this tab.


The Items tab is very useful if you have multiple quantity listings. You can view the SKU of each item in your listing along with its details by clicking on its cell. Below is an image of the information shown in this tab.


The Listings tab allows you to view the history, details, listing profile step, errors, and any additional notifications regarding your listing. Below is an image and breakdown of the information shown in this tab.

  • Auction History: This section will show the amount of relists your item has on the marketplace. Each listing is its own cell, and when clicked, the details shown below will change.

  • Details: The item details from the selected auction history cell are shown here.

  • Profile Progress: The listing profile used for the item you are viewing will be shown in this section, and the step of the listing profile it’s currently on will be highlighted.

  • Listing Errors: Listing errors the item receives will be displayed in this section.

  • Notifications: Bids, payments, and cancellations will show here.

Authentication Services

If you use Authenticate First, you can submit authentication orders from this tab. Any existing orders will display below in the Authentication Order Details section.


The History tab provides extensive information to troubleshoot issues you may encounter. You can see the history of the user's actions, from tagging to shipping. Below is an example of what the history may look like for an item.

Using the Search Bar & Filters

Using the built-in filters and search bar allows you to find your items in many different ways. The filters and search bar can be simultaneously applied to all of your inventory items in the auction management section.

Note🗒️: Search and Filter selections will remain active until manually disabled.

Using the Search Bar

In the examples below, 'XXXXX' is a placeholder for your item's information. Replace 'XXXXX' with the specific identifier for your item.

  • Title: Search by the title of the listing.

  • Product ID: Search for items using Product ID. Must be formatted with “pid:” before your item ID is entered. (E.g, “pid:XXXXX”).

  • SKU: Search by the SKU of the item. (E.g., “NS41-XXXXX”).

  • Item ID: Search for items using Item ID. Must be formatted with “iid:” before entering your item ID. (E.g., “iid:XXXXX”).

  • Listing ID: Search for items using Listing ID. Must be formatted with “lid:” before your listing ID is entered. (E.g., “lid:XXXXX”).

  • Marketplace Order ID: Search by the items Marketplace Order ID. No additional formatting is needed. (E.g., “XXX-XXXX”).

  • Neatoscan Order ID: Search by the items Neatoscan Order ID (E.g., “XXX-XXXXX”).

  • Tracking Number: Seach by entering the tracking number. No additional formatting is needed. (E.g., XXXXXXX).

  • Sellhound ID: Search for items using Sellhound ID. Must be formatted with “sh:” before your Sellhound ID is entered. (E.g., “sh: XXXX”).

  • Keyword: Search for items using keywords. Must be formatted with “kw:” before a keyword is entered. (E.g., “kw: XXXXX”).

Using Filters

Using the filters is an effective way to narrow down your search when trying to find specific items. Below is a breakdown of all of the filters you can use in Auction Management.

  • Parent Container: Enter the container's barcode to filter results to only the items within it.

  • Current Building: Use this filter to find display items based on the last building where any action was taken on them.

  • Origin Building: This allows you to filter by the original building from which the item originated.

  • Listing Profile: Choose a listing profile to filter by, and all items shown will have that listing profile in use.

  • Date Filters: All "Date" filters let you pick a date range using the two text boxes next to them.

  • Unshelved: Only Items that do not have a warehouse location will be shown when you enable this filter.

  • SellHound Assistant: Only Sellhound listings will be shown when you enable this filter.

  • Had Bids: Enabling this filter will only show listings with bids.

  • No Bids: Enabling this filter will only show listings without bids.

  • Location: Select a location from the dropdown, and only items from the selected location will display.

  • Sales Price Min: Enter the minimum price of listings you would like displayed, and only the entered price and higher will display.

  • Sales Price Max: Enter the maximum price of listings you would like displayed, and only the entered price and lower will be displayed.

  • Buyer Name: Enter the buyer's name in the textbox, and only orders from that buyer will be displayed.

  • Buyer Email: Enter the buyer’s name in the textbox, and only orders from that buyer will be displayed.

  • Fulfillment Level: Choose from the dropdown which order fulfillment method to filter orders by. For example, Pickup or Outbound shipping.

  • Listing Marketplace: Select the marketplace from the dropdown to view items by the marketplace they were most recently listed to.

  • Order Marketplace: Select the marketplace from the dropdown to show the items that were sold on the chosen marketplace.

  • Destination Country: Use this filter to sort orders by domestic or international shipping.

  • Requested Carrier: Choose the shipping carrier from the dropdown. This will only display orders that were requested to use that carrier.

  • Shipped Carrier: Choose the shipping carrier from the dropdown, and only orders that were shipped with that carrier will display.

  • Order Grouping: Choose to show only Single-item or Multi-item orders using the dropdown.

  • Shipping Policy: Choose to show only listings with the shipping policy you select using the dropdown.

  • Times Relisted: Enter the number of relists a listing has in the textbox to filter and display only those that have that amount.

  • Created By: Type the user's username into the textbox. This will display only the listings created by that user.

  • Sorted By: Enter the user's username into the textbox. This will display only the listings sorted by that user.

  • Photographed By: Enter the user's username into the textbox. This will display only the listings photographed by that user.

  • Listed By: Enter the user's username into the textbox. This will display only the listings listed by that user.

  • Packed By: Enter the user's username into the textbox. This will display only the listings packed by that user.

  • Shipped By: Enter the user's username into the textbox. This will display only the listings shipped by that user.

  • Security Seal Number: Enter the security seal number in the textbox to show items associated with that specific seal.

  • Shelved By: Enter the user's username into the textbox. This will display only the listings that were last shelved by that user.

  • Container Type: Choose a container type from the dropdown. This will display only the items in that container type. Container types can be created in Settings > Organization > Trackables.

  • Container Category: Choose the container category from the dropdown and this will display only the items from that container category. Container categories can be created in Settings > Organization > Trackables.

Common Uses for Auction Management

Printing Packing Slips

When printing packing slips for orders, you can either print them individually for each item or in bulk using the bulk actions feature.

Printing All Packing Slips

To print packing slips for all items in your selected folder, use the Actions dropdown. This will enable you to print packing slips in bulk.

  1. Select the folder you would like to print from the Inventory navigation section.

  2. In the Action dropdown, choose Print Packing Slips.

  3. Click Apply to begin printing.

Printing Individual Packing Slips

To print a packing slip for an individual item, follow the steps below.

  1. Select your item from the item list.

  2. Click on the Order tab in the Item Details pane.

  3. Click Print Packing Slip to begin printing.

Printing Pick Lists

You can print pick lists from Auction management in both the Paid and Being Picked folders.

  1. Select Print Pick list from the bulk action dropdown.

  2. Click Apply to print the list.

Editing listings

To go back and change the content of your item/listing, you can edit the item from Auction Management.

  1. Locate the item you want to edit and right-click to open the context menu.

  2. From the context menu, click Edit. This will open the editing screen.

If you have any questions send us an email to Our support hours are between 8am-6pm CST, Monday to Friday.

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