When listing items at the warehouse level on the Collectibles side of Neatoscan, you can use the “Listing” section. This section allows you to create listings and add details to expedite the listing process. This article will cover each step of the listing process. Due to the user permissions set up for your account, your interface of the Listing section may vary from the interface shown in this article.
Creating a Listing
To create a listing, scan an existing item tag or create a new one. If you create a new item, in the “Listing” section, add a title, quantity, and source, then create the listing. If your team receives pre-tagged items, you can scan them here and continue to the next step.
Creating a new item
Select “New Item”.
Enter a title, then choose the origin and quantity of the item.
Click “Create” to cue the item tag to print. After this, the edit screen will appear.
💡Tip: Check the "Quick Create" checkbox to stay on the item creation screen after each new item and tag is created so you can create items quickly, one after another.
Scanning an Existing Item
Only scan the items tag at this step. Scan the item's tag or manually enter it by selecting the keyboard button. After this, you’ll be navigated to the main listing screen, where you’ll add photos of your item. Below is an example of what your item tag will look like.
Adding Photos of Your Items
When you’re ready to add photos of the item(s) to the listing, you can do this in two ways:
Take and add photos using the “Neatoscan Auctions” app. This is a great way to quickly capture and upload photos of your items because the app syncs with the computer program. When you upload a photo of your item on the app, it will also sync with the listing on your computer.
Add photos by using the “Add Images” button on the items listing page on the computer. If you click “Add Images”, you can select images to upload from your computer. The sections below cover these two methods in more detail.
Photography on Mobile Devices
On your mobile device, you can use the “Neatoscan Auctions” app to add photos to your listings. Begin by opening the app and signing in. After this, follow the steps below.
Tap the “Photography” button near the top of the screen.
Tap the “Neatoscan Photos” button. This will bring you to the standard mobile photography section. (If you use SellHound, choose “SellHound Photos” here)
Scan your items with your camera, Bluetooth scanner, or built-in scanner if you have one.
Tap on “Take Photo” or “Gallery” to add photos of your item.
“Take Photo” will bring you to your camera app, where you will take photos of your item. After you have taken all of the photos for your item, click the back button on your navigation bar at the bottom of your screen. This will send you back to the listing in the auctions app. (If you choose “Gallery”, select your photo, then click the back button on your navigation bar)
Select “Submit” to begin uploading the photos to your listing. Once the upload is complete, you can view these photos in the listing on your computer.
💡Tip: If any photos need to be rotated, retaken, or deleted, you can long press on a photo, which will pop up a quick edit menu to delete that image.
Importing Photos on the Computer
If you choose to upload images of your listing from your computer, you can open your listing in either the “Listing” screen or “Auction Management” screen.
Click “Add Images”. this will open your file explorer.
Select the images you would like to upload.
Click “Open” to upload the chosen images.
💡Tip: If using a DSLR and listing stations are close to photography areas, you can use a cord to connect the DSLR to the computer to reduce additional steps.
Importing Videos on the Computer
If you are listing to eBay, you can upload videos of your listing on your computer. To do this, open your listing in either the “Listing” screen or “Auction Management” screen. If your listing profile does not include eBay, this is not possible.
Click "Add Videos". This will open your file explorer.
Select the video you would like to upload.
Click "Open" to upload the chosen video.
💡Tip: Use the "Description" field when adding your videos to provide more context or detail.
Selecting a Listing Profile
Once you upload the items photo(s), select a listing profile to streamline the listing process. You can set up listing profiles to automatically select your payment policy, shipping policy, return policy, scheduling profile, item start price, price increment, default padding for shipping, shipping charge, handling charge, insurance inclusion, shipment combining, and marketplace HTML templates. To select a listing profile, click on the dropdown.
Shipping Weight and Dimensions
When filling out your item details, it’s important to complete the shipping information. This is used when shipping your item once it has sold. The shipping information is located on the right side of the listing/editing screen, as shown in the image below.
General Shipping Options
Unit Weight: This is the weight of the item you are shipping. A connected scale can read the weight by clicking “Read from scale” next to the textbox.
Unit Dimensions: The Dimensions of the item you are listing, not including the box.
Box Padding: The size increase that bubble wrap or other padding could add to your item. Only input the amount the padding would add on one side of the item. It will factor in how much is added to the entire item's size automatically.
Box: You can choose the box that will be used for the item here. Choose what box best fits the item in the dropdown.
More Options: Click the down arrow next to more options to expand your options. The additional options allow you to change your Payment Policy, Shipping Policy, and Return Policy.
Shopgoodwill Shipping Options
Shipping Weight: Also known as “DIM Weight”. This is the weight used to calculate shipping costs. The calculation used for Shopgoodwill is Length x Width x Height / 166. The weight shown here is not the same as the “Unit Weight”.
Handling Charge: The amount you will charge for handling costs.
Shipping Charge: The amount you will charge for shipping.
Item Shipment Combining Allowed: When toggled on, this option will enable you to combine shipments.
Auto Include Insurance (USPS only): When toggled on, this option will automatically include insurance on items you ship. This only works with USPS.
Choosing Categories
After choosing a listing profile, you can choose the categories your listing belongs to. You can use either the search tool or the dropdowns to choose the category you would like. If you are listing to both Shopgoodwill and eBay, the categories are linked by default. This allows you to choose categories for just one marketplace and will autofill the other. If you need to change one marketplace’s category, uncheck the checkbox that links the two. The checkbox is located to the right of the category trees.
Linking Categories
The GIF below demonstrates the differences between linked and unlinked category trees. If you turn on the category linking toggle switch, your categories will be tethered. This means when you choose a type of category on one market, the other market will fill the matching category.
Choosing Categories using Dropdowns
Click on the box next to your marketplace below the title.
Choose the appropriate category to match your listing.
Choosing Categories using Search
Click on the search icon at the far left of the category box.
Begin typing the category you believe your item would fit, and the category closest to your search will populate. (You may have to select more sub-categories after searching)
💡Tip: Pressing the escape key on the keyboard will allow you to exit the category search.
Condition and Item Attributes
Once you have selected the category for your listing, you can begin filling out the condition as well as the other related attributes. The required attributes will be highlighted in red. If an attribute is required, the listing cannot be finalized without filling it out.
Ways to Reduce Your Time to List
Auto title generator
The title generator is a feature that can save a lot of time for your team. If you click the button that looks like a reload icon to the right of your title, a title will generate based on the attributes set up to be selected. The templates for generating your titles can be set up in your listing profiles, as shown in the example below.
Snippets allow you to make and use pre-built words and phrases for the description, private description, and condition fields for your items. This can save a lot of time when creating descriptions for your listings.
Creating Snippets
To create snippets, perform the following steps:
Right-click on either the description, private description, or condition attributes.
Hover your cursor over “Snippets” in the context menu and select “Edit Snippets”. This will open a pop-up window that will allow you to create and edit snippets.
Right-click on a folder or blank area and select “Add Snippet”. From here, a snippet creation window will pop up.
Add a title and content for your snippet, then click “Save”.
Using Snippets
To use snippets, perform the following steps:
Right-click on either the description, private description, or condition attributes.
Hover your cursor over “Snippets” in the context menu. This will expand and show you the folders and snippets you created.
Choose the snippet you would like to use. The text content of the snippet chosen will then be entered into the field you right-clicked.
Choosing an HTML Template
HTML templates allow you to further automate your listing process. Once you have these templates created and linked to your listing profiles, you will be able to quickly apply a template of how your listing will look on the marketplaces it lists to. This means you won't have to do the repetitive task of filling out your disclaimers and other information.
Saving or Finalizing
Once you have completed the full listing process, you can either “Finalize” your listing or “Save and Close” your listing. Finalizing will publish your listing to the marketplace, whereas saving and closing your listing will save it to be published later.
💡Tip: If you see a “submit for review” option instead of “Finalize”, this means you do not currently have user permissions to finalize items and will need a manager's approval before your listings go live.
Once you have finalized your listing, shelving your item(s) is the next step. A future article will cover this subject and will be linked here.
If you have any questions send us an email to support@neatoscan.com. Our support hours are between 8am-6pm CST, Monday to Friday.