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Sending Personal Video Messages - FAQ

Make your supporters feel special with personal videos that take moments to create.

Updated over a week ago

What kinds of personal video messages can be sent through Donor Management?

There are three types of personal video messages that you can send via Network for Good's fundraising software to your donors and supporters:

  • Group Video - videos you can send to a group or segment of supporters via email

  • Video Acknowledgment - videos you can sent to a single donor to thank them for a specific donation via email or text message

  • 1:1 Video - a video that you can send a single supporter with a personalized message via email or text message that doesn't necessarily emphasize a specific donation

What does a personal video message sent through Donor Management look like?

Here's an example of a personal video message from The Triangle Society, one of our nonprofit customers, that was recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic:

What can you use personal video messages for?

You can use personal video messages for a variety of reasons. Some of the most popular ones that we've seen include:

A reminder to lapsed donors of their impact within the community

A thank-you to a donor for a new pledge

An expression of appreciation to their volunteers

A happy birthday message to their donors

A celebration of their "donorversary" on the date of a donor's first donation

Can you send a pre-recorded video through a personal video message?

Yes! You can now upload pre-recorded video content for use in a personal video message; simply click the option to "Upload Video" when creating a video message, and select the correct video from your device.

If you'd like to send donors a pre-recorded video, you also can share a pre-recorded video uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo by embedding that link within an Email Blast.

What if I'm not sure what to say in a personal video message?

Not a problem! We've created some sample scripts and included some real-life examples of personal video messages, which you can find here.

What is a group video?

A group video is a type of personal video message that you can send to more than one person at once, via email.

When should I send a group video?

We recommend using group videos over some other types of video messages when you're looking to send the same message to a group of supporters. For example, you might want to send a group video to invite donors to a special event, or to thank a group of volunteers for participating in a recent program.

How can I send a group video?

You'll first want to click on the "Communication" tab from the left-hand navigation options, and then select the option for "Group Videos."

You then should be directed to enter a subject line, select your audience for the message, and then record the video directly in Donor Management.

You'll also be given the option to watch (and re-record) your video message before you hit send - but once you're ready, you can click that "Send" button to deliver your new video message.

What will the group video look like for my donors?

Your donors should receive an email in their inbox that includes a short message you've drafted, as well as a still image of your video.

Once they click the image in that email (or the link included in the text), that video will open in their web browser and they should be able to view, like, and comment on that video in real-time.

What is a personal video acknowledgement?

A personal video acknowledgement is a type of personal video message that you can use to thank an individual donor for a specific donation. Personal video acknowledgements can be sent to donors through their email, or via text message.

When should I send a personal video acknowledgement?

We recommend sending a personal video acknowledgement to donors for their individual donations - and we recommend doing so as soon as you receive a donation!

How do I send a video acknowledgement?

You'll want to locate your donor by searching for their name - or you can locate the specific donation you're acknowledging by navigating to the "Giving" tab from the left-hand navigation.

Once you've located the donation, you'll want to click on the small arrow next to the orange "exclamation mark" beside the donation, and select the option to "Record a Video."

You'll then be asked to enter (or confirm!) your mobile number - you'll then want to click on the option to "Send Link."

At this point, you should receive a text message to the number that you entered with a URL link. You can click on this link to record the video using your phone's camera, make any updates to the message you're sending - and then send the completed video to your donor via text or email.

What will the personal video acknowledgement look like for my donor?

If you've sent a personal video acknowledgement via text message, a text will be sent to your donor from the same number that's used for your text-to-give and text-to-pledge campaigns. The text will include a short message that you drafted while creating the video, and a link that the donor can click to watch the video.

If you've sent the personal video acknowledgement via email, the donor should receive that same short message, as well as a still image of your video, sent to the email that your organization has on file. The donor can then click the image in the email or the link included within the text to open up the video in their web browser - and they can view, like, or comment on the video in real-time.

What is a 1:1 video?

A 1:1 video is a type of personal video message that you can use to send a communication to an individual contact via email or text message.

Typically, 1:1 videos are used to send a personalized communication to a contact that doesn't include an acknowledgement for a donation that they've made.

When should I send a 1:1 video?

1:1 video can be sent at any time, to any of your contacts - we recommend sending these types of videos to donors to thank them for help with a project, or to encourage a donor who may be at risk of having their recurring donation lapse.

How do I send a 1:1 video to my contacts?

You'll first want to find the donor's profile by using the "search" function in the top-right corner of your Dashboard.

Once you've opened up the donor's profile, you should be able to scroll down to the "Interactions" section and click on the "Add New" button, then selecting "Video" from the drop-down options.

You'll be prompted to record your video and fill out a short message, as well as review the message prior to sending. Once you're comfortable sending the message, you can press the "Send" button and the message will be sent on its way!

What will the 1:1 video look like for my donor?

If you've sent a 1:1 video via text message, a text will be sent to your donor from the same number that's used for your text-to-give and text-to-pledge campaigns. The text will include a short message that you drafted while creating the video, and a link that the donor can click to watch the video.

If you've sent the 1:1 video via email, the donor should receive that same short message, as well as a still image of your video, sent to the email that your organization has on file. The donor can then click the image in the email or the link included within the text to open up the video in their web browser - and they can view, like, or comment on the video in real-time.

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