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What's a Giving Site Homepage?

In short: a simple link connected to a donation page so your donors don't get lost!

Updated over a week ago

There's nothing worse clicking a "donate" button on a website, and getting an error message instead!

To prevent your donors from getting lost, you can start by setting a campaign within your Fundraising Pages as your Giving Site Homepage.

With Network for Good, you'll have a simple URL that will be the "root directory" for your fundraising pages. It will look something like this:

You can assign any of your active campaigns to this URL, and can change or swap out the designated campaign easily. You can also share this URL across the internet widely, so that even if you complete your current campaign and switch it up to something new, that same URL will still lead your donors to the right place without having to go back and swap it out manually.

Keep in mind, if no Homepage is assigned, donors who go to that "root URL" will see an error message:

Setting a Giving Site Homepage:

First, log into your Fundraising Pages account by going to "My Tools," and selecting "Fundraising Pages" from the drop-down menu.

Next, look for the button towards the top right of the screen that's labeled Homepage, and click to proceed.

Next, select the campaign page you would like to assign as your Homepage from the drop-down list.

We recommend setting your Homepage to be an Everyday Giving Page that you are using as your general year-round donation page.

Then, click Save & Close.

The campaign you selected will display a green star on the My Campaigns page, indicating that it is your current Homepage.  

Now you can share that Giving Site Homepage through that "root" URL to direct your donors to your donation page moving forward!

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