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"Amount Raised" vs. "Amount Paid"
Updated over a week ago

What’s the difference between the “amount raised” for my auction, and the “amount paid” for my auction?

The “amount raised” figure for your auction represents how much your organization can anticipate receiving once your auction has closed. This includes the total amounts of each winning bid, as well as any donations, “fund-a-need" options, or “buy it now” purchases.

The “amount paid” is the total amount to date of funds your organization has collected from your auction participants. It includes any payments that you’ve already received online from bidders who have won, as well as any cash or check payments that have been entered offline.

In other words, the “amount raised” is the total anticipated amount you and your organization should expect to collect from this auction – and “amount paid” is what portion of that total anticipated amount has already been collected.

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