NoPlex is the world’s first productivity and personal organization ecosystem optimized for adults with ADHD and anxiety — but perfect for everyone. It lets you create, store, and access information in a way that mirrors the unique way that your mind works.
Our organizational lives can be described as a collection of tasks, commitments, notes, and events; however, this model and the tools that most of us use to manage it are incomplete. This poses a challenge to all of us, but even more so for adults with ADHD, who are prone to losing track of responsibilities and often prefer to think in associative and creative ways.
What's Here
Here, you'll find everything you need to get up and running, become comfortable with how NoPlex works, and understand what makes it truly unique.
What You Need to Know
NoPlex organizes your life by way of a few related concepts. Some will likely be familiar (though NoPlex approaches them differently) and others will likely be new to you.
Your Horizon 
Your Horizon is a dedicated place for the things that you would like to accomplish in a given day. While you manage and curate your Tasks in a separate view, you then move "today's" Tasks into your Horizon on the day you want to address them. Learn more about your Horizon.
A task is simply something that you would like to do or need to do. Pretty simple. The concept itself isn't unique, but how Tasks behave in NoPlex is. In NoPlex, Tasks can't be part of other Tasks — the user experience is purposely simple and each Task is individual and distinct. Learn more about Tasks.
Routines are collections of Tasks that are created together on a schedule and share a common theme. Routines can either be run on-demand or on a schedule. Learn more about Routines.
If you need to leave for a weekend trip, the dozen-or-so Tasks that you need to perform may exist as a Routine (fuel up the car, get Uncle Buck to feed the goldfish, pack...). When you find yourself needing to go away, run the Routine and all the Tasks come to life.
Perhaps you live in an area that experiences cold winters, so each Autumn, you need to do a few things (turn off and drain your exterior hoses, bring things in from the garage that you don’t want to freeze, change your heater filter...). You can create a Routine that includes all of these Tasks, and then schedule it to run automatically on every November 1. On that date, all the Routine's Tasks will be automatically created.
Notes are exactly what you think they are — a place for you to record things that you'd like to be able to access. NoPlex Notes are secure and can be connected to other notes and tasks, making them quickly accessible when relevant. Learn more about Notes.
Getting Around
NoPlex's primary views are accessible via a few icons in the navigation menu, which is located on the left side of the web application and the bottom of the mobile app. In the mobile app, additional options (notifications, Supporter management, account details and settings, etc. can be found by pressing the icon in the top-left corner.
Your Supporter 
You can connect your NoPlex account to that of a loved one, friend, family member, or any other person who can provide support, accountability, and backup. They'll receive notifications about your progress (or lack of progress) on any Task you add them to, and can even step in and complete Tasks for you when necessary. Learn more about Supporters.
Connecting with Your Supporter
You can connect with a Supporter through the Supporter / My Team view (found on the left navigation menu on the web and in the menu in the mobile app). There, you can send them an invitation, which provides them with a unique link that lets them sign up and automatically links you together once their account has been created. You can remove or change your supporter at any time in the same Supporter / My Team view.
Adding Your Supporter to a Task
Once connected, you can add your supporter to a task by pressing the icon; remove them by pressing it again. It's that simple.
Getting Help and Support
Troubleshooting and Support: If you encounter issues or have questions, the NoPlex support team is ready to assist. You can contact us via chat (press the
icon in the bottom-right on the web and top-right in the mobile app) or email at
Feedback and Suggestions: We encourage feedback to continuously improve NoPlex. Please share your experiences and suggestions with us.
What's Next?
Your journey has just begun, young warrior. Keep it going.