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Product descriptions and articles
Product descriptions and articles

Adding descriptive text to your product.

Written by Dan Minchom
Updated over a week ago

Articles and product descriptions are used to add additional information text to the product page.

Product description

Descriptions are generally used for a product’s blurb or sales notes. The description appears near the top of the page under the product format listing.

They feed directly into the page's meta tags. Therefore you should use description to include the key information about a release.


Articles can be used for any additional text you want to display on the product page.

There are several article types:

  • Article - standard

  • Blurb

  • Quote

  • Press Release

  • Review

  • Size Guide

  • Track List

These all function the same, but appear with slightly different appearance on the product page.

Formatting text

You can format your text by using Markdown to allow headings, bold text, lists and links:

Articles also support HTML code if you need to do something very specific with your text.

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