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Standard Fields for Contacts (Platinum Plan)

Available Patron Contact Fields available in OTS Platform

Brett Kashanitz avatar
Written by Brett Kashanitz
Updated over a week ago

Having detailed information on your patrons allows you to better interact and engage them as part of your organization moving forward. Please review the full list of current Patron Contact Details that are available for your use in tracking information on individual Patron Profiles.

Patron Contact Details - Available Fields:

  • Summary

    • Contact Since

    • Source

    • Recurring Donor

    • Total Donated

    • Total items

  • Personal Info

    • Full Name

    • Preferred Name

    • Pronouns

    • Birthday

  • Contact Info

    • Email

    • Mailing Address

    • Cell Phone

    • Home Phone

    • Preferred Contact

  • Contact Logs

    • Date

    • Type

    • Subject

  • Contact Orders

    • Date

    • Confirmation


  • Create Email

    • From / Reply to

    • Subject

    • Copy

    • Contact Type (reminder, follow up, etc.)

  • Log Contact

    • Subject

    • Detail Notes

    • Contact Type (reminder, follow up, etc.)

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