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Filtered Booking Flows
Abbey avatar
Written by Abbey
Updated over a week ago

All of the OTS platform features are designed intentionally to work in symphony to create automated workflows that tailor the purchase journey to your patrons while at the same time providing opportunities for your organization to maximize the value of each order, generate more repeat patrons, and thus increase the overall customer lifetime value.

By optimizing the purchase journey according to the unique characteristics of your organization and patron base, you can drive sales and revenue growth while catering to diverse audience interests and creating loyalty that keeps your audience coming back for more.

A filtered booking flow refers to a customized and optimized pathway that patrons follow when purchasing tickets or making bookings for specific events or offerings. Unlike a standard booking flow that presents the same options to all users regardless of their preferences or needs, a filtered booking flow tailors the user experience based on predetermined filters or criteria.

When a filtered flow is combined with a targeted customer segment and a compelling offer created and shown to this specific audience, you have a highly targeted workflow that optimizes both conversions, revenue, and patron experience!

Here's more information on other great features that enhance your site even more!

1. Click on Filtered Flows on the lefthand navigation.

2. This is the main Filtered Booking Flows page. Here, you'll see any flows you've already created, and you can manage existing flows or create new ones.

3. Click on the + button to create a new custom flow.

4. In the Create Filtered Booking Flow modal, you will enter all information needed to configure your flow. Type in a name in the first field.

5. Enter a description for your flow in the Description field.

6. Next, click on the Production dropdown. If you wish to apply this custom flow to all productions across your organization, click on your Organization's name at the top of this list. If you wish to apply a flow to a specific production, select that production from the dropdown.

7. By default, the All Performances button will be checked, which means your flow will be applied to all performances for your selected production or organization. If you wish to select specific performances to which your flow will be applied, click on the All Performances slider.

8. Use the Day dropdown to select the days of the week.

9. Use the Hours dropdown to select the performance times.

10. Use the 'From Date' calendar to choose the first date on which your flow will appear.

11. Use the 'To Date' calendar to choose the last date on which your flow will appear.

12. Price Filters will limit the pricing of tickets within your flow and only show tickets within your set range. In the 'From' field, type in the lowest priced ticket you wish to show in your flow. If you would like to show all ticket prices, leave this blank.

13. In the 'To' field, type in the highest priced ticket you wish to show in your flow.

14. By default, Allow Promo Codes will be checked on this page. This means that within your flow, patrons may apply promo codes to their order. If you do not want patrons to be able to apply promo codes, uncheck the box.

15. If you wish to prefill a promo code to be applied to your custom flow, click on the Prefill A Promo Code checkbox.

16. Underneath the checkbox, select the promo code you wish to apply from the dropdown list.

17. Next, set your ticket quantities. The Default Quantity refers to the number of tickets that will automatically populate in the ticket selector while using your flow. For example, if the flow is for a family pack of 4 tickets, set the Default Quantity to 4.

18. Next, set your minimum. The Minimum refers to the minimum number of tickets that need to be purchased within your custom flow. If there is no minimum, leave this blank.

19. Next, set your maximum. The Maximum refers to the maximum number of tickets that can be purchased within your custom flow. If there is no maximum, leave this blank.

20. At the bottom of this modal, check whether or not you want this flow to be active or inactive upon save. You can edit this later.

21. Click on Create to create your flow. Click on Cancel to leave without saving.

22. Once you've created a flow, you will see all details on the main table. To create a link that includes your flow, you'll need to add the automatically created shortcode to the end of the URL where a patron can buy tickets.

23. Click the Active slider to update the status of your flow.

24. Click on edit custom flow to open up the edit modal.

25. On the edit modal, you can change any of the factors you previously set for your flow.

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